Boudria on Conservative prospects in a riding that's been Liberal since before I was born

The Hon. Don BoudriaThe riding of Glengarry-Prescott-Russell — Ontario's most easternmost riding stretching from Ottawa's east end along the Ottawa River to the St. Lawrence [ profile | 2004 Results ]– has voted in a Liberal MP since 1962. The current MP, Don Boudria (left), is retiring. Boudria was first elected in 1984.

That said, the Conservatives believe they have a decent shot at taking this riding.

Here's Boudria, today outside the House of Commons after his last Question Period, on that prospect:

“There's an independent conservative, by the name of Alain Lalonde. He's a former mayor who ran against me last time and did reasonably well all things considered. He lost the nomination when the religious right made a takeover of the entire riding association executive including the nomination and they chose someone else to espouse their views.”

The Conservative Party candidate is Pierre Lemieux .

The Liberals are running Rene Berthiaume and Boudria said he'd help.

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