AREVA Canada has a Canadian CEO and a new way of looking at its business

AREVA Canada, which could very well end up owning the CANDU business of Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. once the federal government finishes its privatization program for that Crown corporation, has a new CEO and he is a Canadian. Outgoing CEO Armand Laferrère, who, like Areva, was from France, is off to head up Areva's business in Russia.

He will be replaced by Canadian Roger Alexander. The press release from Areva is below, with information about Alexander. Also of note: I'm interested to see how Areva now describes itself. It is not a “nuclear power company” or a “nuclear” anything — the term “nuclear” can be one that makes certain environmental types nervous. Instead, Areva is now “a world leader in CO2-free power generation”. Now it's certainly correct to say that electricity produced from nuclear power does not produce the CO2 emissions that cause climate change. But you could also say that Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro is also “a world leader in Co2-free power generation.” Indeed, if N&LH could ever run a power line through Quebec, the power that could be generated from its Lower Churchill Dam would be enough to replace Ontario's Nanticoke power plant. Coal-fired Nanticoke is responsible for one-fifth –that's right one-fifth — of all the greenhouse gas emissions produced by Ontario businesses and consumers. In other words, Ontario takes a big leap towards its Kyoto target simply by replacing Nanticoke – with “Co2-free power generation” from N&LH Hydro (or any hydro, for that matter). For now, N&LH is busy running undersea power lines to Nova Scotia to take that province's coal-fired plants offline.

All of which is something to think about as Ontario reconsiders whether or not it should spend mega-billions on nuclear power …

I'm just sayin', here, by the way, not advocating …

As I mentioned, here's Areva's press release:

Toronto, July 22, 2009 – AREVA, a world leader in CO2-free power generation, today announced the appointment of Roger Alexander as President of AREVA Canada Inc. Alexander succeeds Armand Laferrère who served as CEO since 2006.

Prior to his appointment, Alexander served as Vice President of AREVA NP Canada Ltd. and was responsible for leading AREVA’s growing Canadian

nuclear energy business.

“I am excited to assume the role of President of AREVA Canada at such an important time in the Canadian and global nuclear energy markets,” said Alexander. “Armand has made tremendous progress in building AREVA’s businesses in Canada. I look forward to working closely with my colleagues to build on his success.”

A Canadian, Alexander brings more than 25 years of varied experience to the position. Prior to joining AREVA, Alexander held senior leadership positions at Siemens Canada where he was responsible for various business units and all manufacturing and engineering related matters. He is a graduate of Ryerson Polytechnic University with a diploma in Electrical Technology and is a Certified Engineering Technologist (Industrial Control). Alexander holds a Master’s of Business Administration from the University of Western Ontario’s Richard Ivey School of Business.

In his new role, Alexander is responsible for strategic leadership of AREVA Canada’s nuclear plants and services, uranium mining, and transmission and distribution businesses.

Jacques Besnainou, President and CEO of AREVA Inc., welcomed Alexander’s appointment as the next logical step for AREVA in Canada saying, “I’m confident this move will accelerate our leadership in nuclear energy globally and contribute to the nuclear revival under way in North America.”

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