I'm off to India …

I’m part of the press corps that will be following Prime Minister Stephen Harper around Asia for the next several days. We leave Saturday. First stop is in India. Last time Harper was there (with me in tow as well), we visited the Golden Temple (me and said Temple, below) in Amritsar (spectacular) and this time, the Taj Mahal is on the itinerary. Never seen it.

Akin at Golden Temple Amritsar
Your correspondent at the Golden Temple, Amritsar, India on assignment covering Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s 2009 visit there.


2 thoughts on “I'm off to India …”

  1. I hopeyou get a guide when you visit the Taj Mahal. There is so much to it that is subtle and easily missed without someone guiding you, From the entry way that makes the Taj appear like it is floating in the sky as you walk throug it to walls you are sure are corrugated even when inches from them but are in fact smooth which you can only discover by putting your hand on it.

    The construction includes marble being set deep enough so that it dips into underground water systems, done so the marble never dries out.

    There are hundreds of little thing like this that you really need a local person to tell you about.

    Good luck in your travels. Everything about India is profound!

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