PM, Official Opposition ( react to Chavez death

CARACAS, Venezuela – The hearse carrying the coffin of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez makes its way to the Military Academy amid thousands of supporters, on March 6, 2013. (AFP PHOTO/Juan Barreto)

Reaction in Ottawa to the death of Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez:

Prime Minister Stephen Harper in an e-mail statement: Continue reading PM, Official Opposition ( react to Chavez death

Canadian MPs meet Burma's Aung San Suu Kyi

Parliamentarians meet Aung San Suu Kyi in Burma
(Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade / Click on picture for bigger version)

The Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade has just released some photos of a recent trip by a Canadian Parliamentary delegation to Burma and here’s a neat one, as the group meets one of the world’s most famous women, Aung San Suu Kyi.
DFAIT did not provide the names of everyone in this photo but I know a few of them so here’s my best guess at who’s who. Continue reading Canadian MPs meet Burma's Aung San Suu Kyi

Canada provides cash for help small-scale farmers in Nicaragua

Ablonczy in Nicaragua
LEON, Nicaragua – Diane Ablonczy (left), Canada’s Minister of State of Foreign Affairs (Americas and Consular Affairs), visits a women’s cooperative farm in rural Nicaragua. (Photo distributed by the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade)

The federal government today announced it was providing $8.1 million to a development project in Nicaragua, a project the government says will help boost food production by small-scale farmersContinue reading Canada provides cash for help small-scale farmers in Nicaragua

U.S. calls on leaders in Rwanda, Uganda to step up and help Congo

Dead Congolose soldier
GOMA, Democratic Republic of Congo – A dead Congolese army soldier is surrounded by civilian onlookers as he lies on the roadside in Goma, in the east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo on November 20, 2012. M23 rebels fought gun battles with government soldiers this morning, before gaining control of many parts in the provincial capital. (AFP PHOTO/PHIL MOORE)

The U.S. State Department callsup on the leaders in Uganda and Rwanda (and Congo) to step up and do something. It’s in their ‘hood after all. And things aren’t good in this corner of the Congo:

The United States is gravely alarmed by the rapid deterioration of the security situation in eastern DRC. We condemn the renewed military campaign by the M23 rebel group, Continue reading U.S. calls on leaders in Rwanda, Uganda to step up and help Congo

Harper's Asia Tour: Day 5 itinerary

Prime Minister Stephen Harper is in the Philippines for the first time. He’s here just for the day — and it’s a busy one — before heading to Hong Kong tomorrow. Here’s what he’s up to on Saturday, Nov 10: 

All times Philippine Standard Time:

  • 1000: Prime Minister Harper and Laureen Harper lay a wreath at the Rizal Monument.
  • 1030: Prime Minister and Mrs. Harper arrive at the Malacanan Palace.
  • 1050: Prime Minister Harper meets with His Excellency Benigno S. Aquino III, President of the Republic of the Philippines.
  • 1140: Prime Minister Harper and President Aquino participate in a signing ceremony, followed by a joint media availability.
  • 1230: Prime Minister and Mrs. Harper participate in an Official Luncheon given by President Aquino
  • 1420: Prime Minister and Mrs. Harper tour Fort Santiago.
  • 1600: Prime Minister Harper hosts a roundtable discussion with business leaders.

Canadian PM Stephen Harper 'Marries Again' in Bangalore

There was no formal “marriage” ceremony but the Harpers clearly enjoyed each other’s company at a Hindu temple here in Bangalore where they received Hindu blessings. Here’s a nice colour piece from the local press on their visit:

“We have married again”, quipped Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper as he garlanded his wife Laureen with jasmine buds at the historic Someshwara temple this evening.

The couple entered the temple at Ulsoor barefoot. The temple priest Sundar Dixit explained to them the history of the temple, which has a mixture of Chola, Hoysala and Vijayanagar architecture.

via Canadian PM Stephen Harper ‘Marries Again’ in Bangalore |

Harper congratulates Obama: Full statement

Here’s the statement just issued by Prime Minister Stephen Harper from New Delhi, India:


“On behalf of the Government of Canada, I would like to congratulate President Barack Obama on his victory in tonight’s election and on being re-elected by the American people for a second term.

“Canada and the United States enjoy one of the closest and most extensive relationships in the world.

“Over the last four years, the President and I have worked on several important bilateral initiatives to generate jobs and growth in both our countries. This includes the Beyond the Border Action Plan, which will speed up trade and travel across our borders while also enhancing security.

We are also working together with other partners to conclude the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, which seeks to boost trade in the Asia-Pacific region.

“I look forward to working with the Obama Administration over the next four years to

continue finding ways to increase trade and investment flows between our countries. This includes putting in place the transportation and security infrastructure necessary to take bilateral commercial relations to new heights and reducing red tape so companies on both sides of the border can create more jobs.”

“I also look forward to continuing to work with President Obama on pressing global economic issues as well as on security challenges, such as those in Iran and Syria.

“I would also like to congratulate all incoming and re-elected Members of Congress and Governors. Close cooperation between our two countries will be essential as we seek to create jobs, growth and long-term prosperity over the coming months and years.”

Harper's Asia tour: Day 3 itinerary

Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s day in New Delhi, India begins Wednesday just as Americans are counting up their ballots Tuesday night. Sun News Network, of course, is providing live coverage of the U.S. election until the last ballot is counted. Here in New Delhi, we’ll be waiting to see what Harper has to say. Continue reading Harper's Asia tour: Day 3 itinerary

Harper's Asia Tour: Day 2 Itinerary

Harpers at Raj Ghat
NEW DELHI, India – Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his wife Laureen pay their respects to the “Father of the Nation” at Raj Ghat, the memorial to Mahatma Gandhi, during Harper’s first visit to India in 2009. Harper will do the same thing again this morning has he begins the official portion of his second visit here. (DAVID AKIN)

Prime Minister Stephen Harper is in the Indian capital of New Delhi today as part of his six-day tour of the country. His itinerary includes a mix of cultural, business and political events.

I’m part among the group of journalists covering the PM’s tour. It’s just 8 a.m. as I post today’s itinerary for the PM. Today, it’s all about Indian politics. Continue reading Harper's Asia Tour: Day 2 Itinerary