On key terrorism question, Trudeau stands with Harper, RCMP; Mulcair does not

Justin Trudea

Were last weeks attacks in Quebec and on Parliament Hill acts of terrorism? The government was quick to label them as such. Today, after their first caucus meetings since last Wednesday’s Parliament Hill shooting, both NDP leader Thomas Mulcair and Liberal leader Justin Trudeau were asked this question. Both had different answers.

Here’s Thomas Mulcair: Continue reading On key terrorism question, Trudeau stands with Harper, RCMP; Mulcair does not

The NDP ask a lot of Canada's PM: Be in two places at once

NDP leader Thomas Mulcair speaks during Question Period in the House of Commons on Tuesday. (REUTERS/Chris Wattie)

Moments after speaking in the House of Commons Tuesday (above), NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair told reporters in the House of Commons foyer (my emphasis):

You know, as far as we’re concerned, when you ask a question that corresponds to all the rules on a very important subject of national concern like Canada’s involvement in a war in Iraq, Canadians deserve better and they deserve more respect for our institutions than we got today. … And frankly, the Prime Minister should have been there today.  That’s his role to be in the House.

Wait. Hold on. Continue reading The NDP ask a lot of Canada's PM: Be in two places at once

By-election scorecards: How have party leaders fared?



Since Stephen Harper became leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, he has led his side through 30 by-elections. His party’s record in those by-elections? Pretty good. Conservatives held 7 seats in which they were the incumbent, stole 4 seats from another incumbent party, and suffered 1 loss. In the rest, they were neither the incumbent nor were able to steal.  Continue reading By-election scorecards: How have party leaders fared?

Journalist McQuaig wants to be an MP

Toronto Star columnist Linda McQuaig will announce today she is seeking the NDP nomination in Toronto Centre. The Star‘s Susan Delacourt reports:

[McQuaig] recognizes that the prevailing winds in Toronto Centre and beyond may favour new Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau, but McQuaig said that NDP Leader Tom Mulcair is her clear choice.“When it comes to issues, performance, brains, just sheer effectiveness, [Mulcair] just has (Trudeau) totally beat,” she said. “What’s important to me is that Mulcair and the NDP is more progressive.”

Read the rest: Columnist Linda McQuaig enters NDP race in Toronto | Toronto Star.

Stephane Dion slams Mulcair for "irresponsibility" in criticism of Supreme Court

Just in from Liberal HQ:

OTTAWA– Liberal Democratic Reform and Intergovernmental Affairs critic Stéphane Dion sent the following letter to NDP Justice critic Françoise Boivin today in response to the NDP’s request for Liberal support for the motion passed by the Quebec National Assembly earlier this month:

Ms. Françoise Boivin, MP
152 Confederation Building
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6

Madam Member,

On behalf of the Liberal caucus, thank you for your letter dated April 29, 2013.  Continue reading Stephane Dion slams Mulcair for "irresponsibility" in criticism of Supreme Court

NDP Convention: Speech by Leader Thomas Mulcair

After winning the obligatory confidence vote by 92.3 per cent, NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair delivered the following speech:

Saturday, April 13, 2013

New Democratic Party Convention – keynote address

Montreal, Quebec

Title: This is Our Moment: Building the Canada of Our Dreams


CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY Continue reading NDP Convention: Speech by Leader Thomas Mulcair

New Democrat Boulerice on World War I then and now

In April of 2007, Alexandre Boulerice took issue with all the memorials he saw commemorating the First World War Battle of Vimy Ridge, writing at a left-leaning, French-language blog:

Les autorités célébraient dernièrement le rôle déterminant des soldats canadiens dans l’immonde bataille de Vimy en 1917. À ce moment, des milliers de pauvres bougres se sont fait massacrer pour prendre possession d’une colline. Fauchés trop tôt, enlevés à la vie et à leurs amours. Continue reading New Democrat Boulerice on World War I then and now

NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair adds his voice to those calling on Chief Spence to eat something

Transcript provided by CTV of Leader of the Official Opposition Thomas Mulcair on CTV’s Question Period this afternoon. Kevin Newman is the interviewer:

NEWMAN: On December 18th, you called on the government to hold a meeting with First Nations. That’s now happened. You also called for the prime minister to meet with Chief Spence. He offered, she declined. Is it time for her to end her protest?

MULCAIR: I’m always very concerned when someone appears to be willing to end their own life, even though they’re fighting for a cause that they find that important. I would sincerely call upon Chief Spence to realize that there has been a step in the right direction, to try to see now if we can keep putting pressure on the government to follow through. It has been a year where nothing was done after a very formal meeting. But finally the government seems to be moving so I think that the best thing to do would be to step back from that now. Continue reading NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair adds his voice to those calling on Chief Spence to eat something