Women, more than men, tend to use online government services

There’s a new paper out in the latest edition of Government Information Quarterly which takes a look at how Canadian business managers feel about interacting with government electronically.

It’s co-written by Christopher Reddick of the University of Texas at San Antonio and Jeffrey Roy of Dalhousie University in Halifax. Their abstract:

Continue reading Women, more than men, tend to use online government services

Facebook founder 'defriends' U.S. over taxes. Something for M. Hollande to take note of?

Two news items. Draw your own conclusions. From the New York Times:

Eduardo Saverin, one of the founders of Facebook, officially defriended the United States in September, giving up his American citizenship for the more tax-friendly residency status of Singapore.

Mr. Saverin, who was born in Brazil and has lived in Singapore since 2010, plans to remain in the Asian island nation indefinitely. Singapore has a maximum personal income tax rate of 20 percent and no taxes on capital gains Continue reading Facebook founder 'defriends' U.S. over taxes. Something for M. Hollande to take note of?

Don't be fooled: The Tories just raised your taxes

During daily Question Period in the House of Commons, the government is allowed to “ask questions” of itself. Usually, a backbench MP rises to tee up a softball which a Minister is supposed to hit out of the park. Sometimes, it’s a chance to bring up a topic a Minister wants to make a statement about. That happened today, for example, when a Conservative MP rose in QP to ask Justice Minister Rob Nicholson what he thought about the Shafia verdict.

But most times, it’s like the exchange below, when the Conservatives try to use their lob-ball to take play politics and take on the opposition. Continue reading Don't be fooled: The Tories just raised your taxes