Dion on Mulcair's dual citizenship: "What multiculturalism is all about"

Today, we’re reporting that Thomas Mulcair will not relinquish his French citizenship should he win the NDP leadership race and go on to battle Stephen Harper in the 2015 to become Canada’s prime minister.

In 2006, Stéphane Dion was asked Continue reading Dion on Mulcair's dual citizenship: "What multiculturalism is all about"

The Public Intellectual: A good or a bad thing?

The last two individuals that the Liberal Party of Canada put up as candidates to be the country’s prime minister were both, by most definitions of the phrase, public intellectuals. And both were savaged by their chief opponents, the Conservative Party of Canada, precisely because they were public intellectuals.

In their French-language attack ads leading up to and during the 2008 federal election, the Conservatives sneered at “professor” Stéphane Dion. Again, in 2011, Michael Ignatieff’s academic credentials and long career as a public intellectual was not, so far as the Conservatives were concerned, an asset for someone hoping to be prime minister but instead was something to be laughed at and derided. Continue reading The Public Intellectual: A good or a bad thing?