On key terrorism question, Trudeau stands with Harper, RCMP; Mulcair does not

Justin Trudea

Were last weeks attacks in Quebec and on Parliament Hill acts of terrorism? The government was quick to label them as such. Today, after their first caucus meetings since last Wednesday’s Parliament Hill shooting, both NDP leader Thomas Mulcair and Liberal leader Justin Trudeau were asked this question. Both had different answers.

Here’s Thomas Mulcair: Continue reading On key terrorism question, Trudeau stands with Harper, RCMP; Mulcair does not

Google Maps goes behind the scenes on Parliament Hill

Just in from Google Canada:

Through the unique panoramic lens of Google Street View, for the first time you can explore the Prime Minister’s Office, find the secret door in the Office of the Leader of the Opposition, and marvel at the ornate Memorial Chamber or the views from the Peace Tower observation deck.

via Google Maps goes behind the scenes on Parliament Hill.

First ever "Bike Day" on Parliament Hill Wednesday

Just in from the office of John Weston, MP:

MP John Weston Hosts First Bike Day on the Hill

(May 4, 2012 – Ottawa, Ontario) – On Wednesday May 9, 2012, British Columbia MP John Weston will bring together cycling experts and enthusiasts from across the country to participate in the inaugural Bike Day on Parliament Hill. This event is in keeping with the priorities of Weston’s Parliamentary Fitness Initiative, a non-partisan movement he began in 2009 with House colleagues NDP MP Peter Stoffer, Sackville – Eastern Shore and Liberal MP Kirsty Duncan, Etobicoke North, to encourage healthier lifestyles among MP’s and Senators.

Continue reading First ever "Bike Day" on Parliament Hill Wednesday