From the diplomats' union, a highly qualified welcome to Canada's new envoy to Israel

Vivian Bercovici and John Baird
Canada’s new ambassador to Israel Vivian Bercovici, left, is introduced to reporters by Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird, right in Ottawa Wednesday. (DAVID AKIN/QMI Agency)

For the plum job of Canada’s Ambassador to Ireland, the Harper government tapped former Conservative MP (and all around nice guy) Loyala Hearn. To represent Canada at UNESCO in Paris, former Conservative cabinet minister Jean-Pierre Blackburn could console himself that his defeat at the polls opened the door to that post. Lawrence Cannon was also among the most senior members of Harper’s cabinet — until the voters in his riding of Pontiac decided they’d rather be represented by New Democrat Mathieu Ravignat. And so Cannon was consoled with the job of Ambassador to France. Continue reading From the diplomats' union, a highly qualified welcome to Canada's new envoy to Israel