Why Obama lost to the Rockefeller Republican and other tales

A couple of pieces that caught my eye in the wake of the first U.S. presidential debate in Denver on Wednesday night.

First, Matt Miller, who worked in the Clinton White House, writes in the Washington Post that on Wednesday, “at long last came the full-throated return of the Rockefeller Republican many suspect is Romney’s true political nature.” Miller goes on to say:

If he wins, of course, Romney and his advisers will be hailed as geniuses for their timing, for bonding the party faithful to the ticket with the choice of Paul Ryan and a conservative-themed convention, and then dashing to the center for the home stretch.

Read the rest  Matt Miller: The audacity of Romney – The Washington Post.

Here’s David Frum, Continue reading Why Obama lost to the Rockefeller Republican and other tales

'Moneyball' politics: Bill James vs SuperPACs

Bill James, as Huffington Post writer Sam Stein correctly describes him,  is the high priest of baseball number-crunching. His statistics-based analyses of Major League Baseball were at the foundation of Oakland A’s manager Billy Beane’s approach to building a championship team on the cheap. Beane’s experience, of course, was chronicled in the Hollywood hit Moneyball. Stein writes that James is now turning his attention to U.S. politics, which last year entered an entirely new and, if you ask me, weird era in which money is literally no object. Continue reading 'Moneyball' politics: Bill James vs SuperPACs

The Atlantic: Does the Romney-Ron Paul Pact Make Paul a Sellout?

I’ll be talking to Molly Ball tonight on my show, Daily Brief on Sun News Network, about her article just up today at The Atlantic. It starts this way:

Ron Paul is helping Mitt Romney. It’s been obvious for months. You’d think Paul’s followers would be outraged by this — but they’re not.

The Paul-Romney alliance means the race’s most ideologically pure fiscal conservative has effectively sold out to the least conservative, least consistent, most establishmentarian candidate in the field. Romney favors the basic concept of progressive taxation and a government’s right to compel citizens to purchase health insurance. It’s unthinkable that he would, if elected, end the Federal Reserve. Alone among the candidates, he insists that there be no cuts to any military spending. All these stances are anathema to Paul’s staunchly absolutist world view.

You’ll want to read the rest: Does the Romney-Ron Paul Pact Make Paul a Sellout? – Molly Ball – Politics – The Atlantic.

From RedState: Mitt Romney’s ‘Very Poor’ Choice of Words"

Whoops. Romney steps in it during interview with CNN anchor:

Mitt Romney: “I’m not concerned about the very poor; we have a safety net there. If it needs repair, I’ll fix it. I’m not concerned about the very rich, they’re doing just fine. I’m concerned about the very heart of the America, the 90 percent, 95 percent of Americans who right now are struggling, and I’ll continue to take that message across the nation.”

via Mitt Romney’s ‘Very Poor’ Choice of Words | RedState.