PMO vs National Council of Canadian Muslims: The Primary Documents

Before Prime Minister Stephen Harper left for his recent Middle East trip, the National Council of Canadian Muslims sent the following letter to the PM’s office:

Letter from National Council of Canadian Muslims to Prime Minister Stephen Harper re: Rabbi Korobkin

When I learned of the letter, I contacted its author, NCCM executive director Ihsaan Gardee, for more information. Continue reading PMO vs National Council of Canadian Muslims: The Primary Documents

Cotler will represent Saudi journalist who faces death sentence over tweets

Hamza Kashgari is a Saudi journalist.

On the occasion of the Muslim prophet’s birthday last week, 23-year-old Mr Kashgari tweeted: “I have loved things about you and I have hated things about you and there is a lot I don’t understand about you.”

“I will not pray for you,” he added. ( Hamza Kashgari faces criminal charges over Twitter remarks )

Now he faces the death sentence in Saudi Arabia for those tweets. Continue reading Cotler will represent Saudi journalist who faces death sentence over tweets