Iranian dissidents win esteemed human rights prize

Iranian lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh
A file photo taken on November 1, 2008 shows Iranian lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh posing in Tehran. (AFP PHOTO/ARASH ASHOURINIA)

Earlier today:

A pair of Iranian dissidents — a jailed human rights lawyer (above) and a banned filmmaker (below) — were named winners Friday of the European Parliament’s prestigious Sakharov Prize Continue reading Iranian dissidents win esteemed human rights prize

Cotler will represent Saudi journalist who faces death sentence over tweets

Hamza Kashgari is a Saudi journalist.

On the occasion of the Muslim prophet’s birthday last week, 23-year-old Mr Kashgari tweeted: “I have loved things about you and I have hated things about you and there is a lot I don’t understand about you.”

“I will not pray for you,” he added. ( Hamza Kashgari faces criminal charges over Twitter remarks )

Now he faces the death sentence in Saudi Arabia for those tweets. Continue reading Cotler will represent Saudi journalist who faces death sentence over tweets

Reaction to my "Don't mind us Canucks: We're just here for pipelines and pandas" column

As we arrived in China last week covering Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s visit there, this column of mine was published in our newspaper chain. It concluded:

The Chinese are sensitive about [human rights issues]. They do not like to be called out on their lousy human rights record. The Chinese need not worry. The Canadians this week are here for pipelines and pandas.

After reading that column, someone named Will Wei on my Facebook page accuses me of “hate speech” Continue reading Reaction to my "Don't mind us Canucks: We're just here for pipelines and pandas" column