Watching elections in Kosovo, Greece and, of course, France

Voters are at the polls this weekend in France, Greece and Kosovo. Will update this post with notes, etc. as they become available:

Voter turnout in the ballot facilitation in Kosovo was reported at approximately 17 per cent by 14:00 hrs today by the OSCE Mission in Kosovo.

via OSCE Mission releases first turnout figures in balloting facilitation in Kosovo – OSCE Mission in Kosovo.

Francois Hollande
Socialist Party (PS) candidate for the 2012 French presidential election, Francois Hollande visits a village in the neighbourhoods of Tulle, southwestern France on May 6, 2012 during the second round of the election. (AFP PHOTO JEFF PACHOUD)


In France,  incumbent President Nicolas Sarkozy is out and the champion of the Socialist Party Francois Hollande (above) is in: Continue reading Watching elections in Kosovo, Greece and, of course, France

FT: IMF chief warns over 1930s-style threats

Meanwhile in Europe…

The managing director of the International Monetary Fund has warned that the global economy faces the prospect of “economic retraction, rising protectionism, isolation and . . . what happened in the 30s [Depression]”, as European tensions again flared over suggestions in Paris that the UK’s credit rating should be downgraded before France’s.

[Read the rest: IMF chief warns over 1930s-style threats –]