Trudeau earned thousands from speeches while missing House business

Justin Trudeau gives a speech
PETERBOROUGH, Ont. – Federal Liberal Leadership front-runner Justin Trudeau speaks to students on Thursday at Trent University. (Clifford Skarstedt/Peterborough Examiner)

Catching up on Trudeau and his speaking fees? Here’s the most recent file from Saturday’s papers:

Trudeau missed House business while earning thousands on speakers circuit

Justin Trudeau is one of just three MPs – all of them Liberals – to report extra income from speaking engagements in the last five years.

And, in Trudeau’s case, it appears he missed debates, votes and possibly one of his party’s caucus meetings so he could earn tens of thousands on the speaking circuit.

The other two Liberal MPs to earn speaking fees are Trudeau’s Liberal leadership rival, Marc Garneau, and Toronto-area MP Kirsty Duncan. Continue reading Trudeau earned thousands from speeches while missing House business