Atlantic Canada's Employment Insurance haul: $12.5 billion in a decade

Don Mills, Chairman and CEO of Halifax-based Corporate Research Associates, Inc., put out the following series of tweets this afternoon:

NDP Convention: 3-01-13 Resolution on Employment Insurance

The NDP convention considered the following

3-01-13 Resolution on Employment Insurance

Submitted by Gaspésie-Iles-de-la-Madeleine, Charlesbourg – Haute-Saint-Charles

WHEREAS seasonal industries are a vibrant and essential part of Canadian identity and economy;

WHEREAS new categories of EI claimants and related definitions of suitable employment will depress overall wages, harm the economy of both rural and urban Canadian communities;

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Conservative government must hire sufficient staff to properly administer Service Canada programs and dramatically reducing wait times;

Motion was passed unanimously.

Don't be fooled: The Tories just raised your taxes

During daily Question Period in the House of Commons, the government is allowed to “ask questions” of itself. Usually, a backbench MP rises to tee up a softball which a Minister is supposed to hit out of the park. Sometimes, it’s a chance to bring up a topic a Minister wants to make a statement about. That happened today, for example, when a Conservative MP rose in QP to ask Justice Minister Rob Nicholson what he thought about the Shafia verdict.

But most times, it’s like the exchange below, when the Conservatives try to use their lob-ball to take play politics and take on the opposition. Continue reading Don't be fooled: The Tories just raised your taxes