Verbatim: Environment Minister Peter Kent pulls Canada out of the Kyoto Protocol

Peter Kent exists Kyoto

Here is the text of the statement Environment Minister Peter Kent (left) delivered in the House of Commons foyer late this afternoon:

I have just returned from Durban, South Africa where countries of the world, Canada included, made it clear: Continue reading Verbatim: Environment Minister Peter Kent pulls Canada out of the Kyoto Protocol

Kent on Durban Platform: "fair and balanced framework"

Peter Kent at Durban
Australia’s Minister for Climate Change Greg Combet (left) speaks with Canada’s Environment Minister Peter Kent during a break in plenary session at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP17) in Durban December 10, 2011. REUTERS/Rogan Ward

The international conference on climate change in Durban, South Africa was supposed to wrap up on Friday but without a deal, all countries kept going and, early Sunday morning, came up with what they’re calling the Durban Platform. Here, for the record, is Canadian Environment Minister Peter Kent’s statement on Durban Platform:

Continue reading Kent on Durban Platform: "fair and balanced framework"

Poll: Canada, Kyoto, climate change, Durban, jobs and so on

Earlier this week, MPs in the House of Commons voted on the motion you’ll see in the poll question below. I’m not going to tell you right now who tabled the motion,  what party the MP belongs to, or what the results were (and if you already know, don’t play the spoiler!)  but, in a post I hope to put up later today, I’ll touch on all of that in some notes I hope to make about about free votes in the House of Commons.

In the meantime, here is the exact wording of the House of Commons motion. As the Speaker, says, all those in favour? Opposed?:

Continue reading Poll: Canada, Kyoto, climate change, Durban, jobs and so on