Ye Olde Finance Minister: Notes on Joe, Greg, and Ed

We have a new finance minister. And there’s no getting around it — he’s old. In fact, according to the Library of Parliament, no finance minister in our history has ever been as old as Joe Oliver upon taking up his duties as Finance minister. Oliver will be 74-years-old on May 20. He’s got a decent shot at being the oldest finance minister ever but the Conservatives would have to win  2015 general election and Oliver would have to be re-appointed as finance minister. The oldest finance minister in our history was also the one who served in the post the longest: Liberal William Stevens Fielding who, when he retired in 1925, was 76, 9 months and 10 days old. Continue reading Ye Olde Finance Minister: Notes on Joe, Greg, and Ed

Stephen Harper's cabinet trivia: From Flaherty to MacKay to Baird and back again

Defence Minister Peter MacKay
Defence Minister Peter MacKay speaks to the media as he unveils the Afghanistan Memorial Vigil on Parliament Hill on Tuesday, July 9, 2013. MacKay told reporters this was not going to be his final public appearance as defence minister. (Andre Forget/QMI Agency)

On the eve of a widely expected cabinet shuffle, some trivia on Stephen Harper and his cabinet history: Continue reading Stephen Harper's cabinet trivia: From Flaherty to MacKay to Baird and back again

A History of Harper's Cabinet Shuffles, Pt II

Harper and Johnston
Together again tomorrow for a cabinet shuffle? Governor General David Johnston and Prime Minister Stephen Harper, seen here at Rideau Hall after the Jan. 4, 2011 mini-shuffle, could be about to team up again to suffle the cabinet deck. (Chris Roussakis/QMI Agency)

I last tried to track Harper’s cabinet changes back during the Christmas break of 2011 when we were expecting a post-Christmas shuffle. Here is an updated version of that list on the eve of what we expect to be another shuffle.

On Nov 7, 2010, here’s what cabinet looked like: Continue reading A History of Harper's Cabinet Shuffles, Pt II

Harper: Expect major cabinet shuffle, agenda change in "mid-term"

Prime Minister Stephen Harper made the tiniest of tweaks to his cabinet yesterday, moving Julian Fantino from his job as Associate Minister of Defence (procurement) to Minister of International Co-Operation, a job that came open with Bev Oda quit. Bernard Valcourt will move into Fantino’s old defence spot while holding on to his previous duties as minister of the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency.

Plenty of us here in the Ottawa press gallery thought Harper would do something much more radical to his cabinet. Today, in Calgary, Harper spoke to talk radio host Dave Rutherford about his cabinet shuffle and prorogation plans. (Transcript courtesy of the PMO) Continue reading Harper: Expect major cabinet shuffle, agenda change in "mid-term"