The report card on Christy Clark's "BC Jobs Plan": A "C-"

Christy Clark announces Jobs Plan
VANCOUVER – BC Premier Christy Clark releases her provincial jobs plan during a Vancouver Board of Trade meeting on Sept. 22, 2011. (CARMINE MARINELLI/QMI AGENCY)

“We have set out these bold goals and we are reaching our targets. I’m going to run in the next election on the strong economy. I’m going to run on (being) number one in job creation.”
Christy Clark to her party’s convention in Whistley, BC, October, 2012

This morning, Statistics Canada released the final report card before Tuesday’s general election in B.C. on Clark’s 17-months-old Jobs Plan. BC is unequivocally not “number one” in job creation. In fact, it is not number one in any employment measurement used by Statistics Canada.  And yet, it could be a lot worse, I suppose. So I’m giving the BC Jobs Plan a “C-” at this point.  Continue reading The report card on Christy Clark's "BC Jobs Plan": A "C-"