Letter from Attawapiskat: "We are in full support for an forensic audit"

Here’s some correspondence, obtained last year through a Access to Information request to the federal department of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development, that speaks to at least some dissent in Attawapiskat when it comes to the leadership of Chief Theresa Spence and her band council. Particularly relevent given the results of the audit the government released today:

Attawapiskat elders write to Department urging audit

Note: If you were the author of this letter and would like to chat more about this, feel free to call me collect!

Is Chief Spence setting a good example for aboriginal girls by threatening suicide?

Terry Glavin makes a not insignificant point about the potential harm Chief Spence’s hunger strike might have on First Nations communities:

Aboriginal teenagers in Canada are perhaps six times more likely to kill themselves than non-aboriginal youth. Among the Inuit, youth suicide is 11 times the national average. Between 2005 and 2010, Health Canada spent $65 million on a National Aboriginal Youth Suicide Prevention Strategy. The kids kept on killing themselves, and in 2011 the Ontario Chief Coroner’s Office released a 215-page report on aboriginal suicides in Northern Ontario. One of the report’s key recommendations: the creation of a national suicide prevention strategy.

Then along comes Theresa Spence, the elected chief of the forlorn and remote Northern Ontario community of Attawapiskat. Since Dec. 11, Spence has been camped in a teepee on an island in the Ottawa River, threatening to starve herself to death — to kill herself — unless the prime minister and the Governor General accede to her variously contradictory and ambiguous demands ..

Read the rest: Idle No More? Let’s get serious.

UN agency slams Canada on Attawapiskat

The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples just released the following statement that began this way:

“I have been in communication with the Government of Canada to express my deep concern about the dire social and economic condition of the Attawapiskat First Nation, Continue reading UN agency slams Canada on Attawapiskat

Who do you blame for the crisis in Attawapiskat?

The federal government today said it had acquired 15 mobile homes for the beleaguered community of Attawapiskat, Ont. The community’s chief, Theresa Spence, says they need 22. And, in any event, the homes won’t get there until after Christmas when the roads are frozen solid enough for transport.

Continue reading Who do you blame for the crisis in Attawapiskat?