VIDEO: Lisa Kirbie and I: "Justin keeps winning every time out. He doesn't get into a fight he doesn't think he'll win"

A clip from Battleground on Sun News Network tonight — our reporter Kristy Kirkup shows two highlights from Saturday’s Liberal leadership debate in Mississauga, Ont., the opening Garneau vs. Trudeau bit and then, the comments Martha Hall Findlay made that prompted her apology the next day. Then, Liberal strategist Lisa Kirbie and I assess the field after Saturday’s race. I argue that, for all intents and purposes, there are now just three candidates who have any chance of winning this race. And one of them is not Martha Hall Findlay.

4 thoughts on “VIDEO: Lisa Kirbie and I: "Justin keeps winning every time out. He doesn't get into a fight he doesn't think he'll win"”

  1. Martha Hall Findlay’s apology was a big mistake, IMO.
    I fail to see exactly what was so “offensive” about what she said. Her question may have been irrelevant but hardly “offensive”.

    I wonder … Did the people who think Hall Findlay’s question about Trudeau’s ability to understand the concerns of the middle class was an offensive personal attack react the same way when the same questions were raised about Romney?

  2. @greg stevenson = are you arguing that someone with a parent who’s had a mental health issue is not fit to govern? Really? According to CAMH, 1 in 5 Canadians will have a mental health issue during their lifetime ( So if you have two parents (and most of us do), the chance of one of them being mentally ill at some point are 40%.

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