Audio and transcript: Trudeau's comments Monday on the gun registry he'd now vote for

Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC – Liberal leadership candidate Justin Trudeau speaks to reporters. (TVA)

On Friday in Ontario, Liberal Leadership candidate Justin Trudeau had this to say about the long gun registry. [Trudeau Transcript: Long gun registry “a failure”] On Monday, in Quebec he had something a bit different to say. Listen to what he said in Quebec:

A rough transcript of what you can listen to above:

Trudeau: I voted to keep the firearms registry…a few months ago, and if we had a vote tomorrow, I would vote once again to keep the long-gun registry. However, the definition of a failed public policy is the fact that the long-gun registry is no more. It was an idea that I defended, that I talked about how important it was as a tool for many…police officers and as a heritage that came from some terrible violence that we will be commemorating this week at Polytechnique. But the fact is because it was so deeply divisive for far too many people, it no longer exists. Now what I am committed to is, in the coming months and years, to draw together Canadians in conversations about how we will articulate into policies something that is important for all Canadians. That is, to keep us safe from gun violence, whether it be in our streets, in our schools, or in our homes in questions of domestic violence. Whether you’re in urban areas or rural areas, I truly believe that there is a way to bring Canadians together and reduce and eliminate – eventually – gun violence . The way we do that is not by dividing, but by coming together on these common ,m values that we do share.

Q: You seem to be changing your policy. Were you misquoted when you called it a failure?

Trudeau: The definition of a failed public policy is a policy that gets eliminated when governments change. That is the very definition. You want to talk about…you can’t talk about success because it doesn’t exist anymore. It was able to be eliminated, therefore it was a failed public policy unfortunately.

Q: Quebec wanting its own gun registry?

Trudeau: And I think that’s a wonderful solution. The fact that in Quebec it’s not a divisive policy. That the vast majority of Quebecers from all areas are supportive of the gun registry means that it’s a good idea that the Quebec government is fighting to bring in and create a registry that is going to keep people safe, as the original registry did. However, the fact that the politics around it were so divisive that it couldn’t last as a public policy, means we have to make sure that as we move forward to protect Canadians from gun violence, we do it in a way that is inclusive and not divisive.

And here’s my story on Trudeau’s gun registry odyssey.

One thought on “Audio and transcript: Trudeau's comments Monday on the gun registry he'd now vote for”

  1. Depends where Justin Trudeau is at; he says and re-says what comes to mind. He copies platforms from other parties to change it later.
    Didn’t Chretien campaign against the GST which he never did.
    Justin knows that his media will tend to his gaffs while he keeps on making them..

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