Who's been the top MPs of the year?

Last year, in the papers across our chains, I published a list of MPs that I thought were doing a great job as MPs.  Looking back on 2010 I saluted the work in Parliament of Jack Layton, Chris Warkentin, Ted Menzies, Peter Julian, Siobhan Coady, Claude Bachand, Bob Rae, and Thierry St.-Cyr.

Layton’s story we all know. Menzies, Julian, and Rae came back to the 41st Parliament in the May 2 election. The others were not rewarded for what I thought, based on an informal survey of their peers and other Parliamentarians, were some of the best performing MPs.

On my blog, I went further and added more names to the list of MPs who, their peers and others said, were doing outstanding work in commitees, in the House of Commons and back in their riding.

For the last week or so, I’ve been soliciting opinions from MPs, political staffers, and others for this year’s list of those that don’t get enough recognition for slogging away. (This year, we’re declaring leaders, cabinet ministers and NDP leadership candidates to be ineligible here). Do you have an opinion? I’ve put together a poll, below, for some suggestions but feel free to add to the list. These are some, but not all, of the MPs suggested to me by their peers. You may select more than one MP in poll below. More importantly, leave a comment and tell me you feel the way you do. I’ll have a column across our chain on this subject next week. (Note: The names are presented to each viewer in a different random order)

UPDATE: Ok, already, some of you have typed in “Stephen Harper” or “Bob Rae” in the “Other” field below. Thanks for participating but, again, let’s just assume that the PM, leaders, cabinet ministers, etc. are good MPs. In this poll, we’re trying to find some folks not normally in the media spotlight. And even though you won’t be able to see the “Others” that people typed in, I can, and I’ll have those results next week.

UPDATE II: Based on voting overnight here, I’ve added Charlie Angus’ name to the multiple choice list below. He was the top “write-in” choice. In fact, he was the only “write-in” choice to receive multiple votes. The following MPs have all received one “write-in” votes. Ed Holder, Frank Valeriote, Ted Opitz, Scott Andrews, Harold Albrecht, Susan Trupee, Mark Adler, Chris Warkentin, Kerri-Lyne Findlay, David McGuinty, Kelly Block, Jamie Nicholls, Bob Zimmer, Phil McColeman, Stéphane Dion, Rick Dykstra, Carolyn Bennett, Justin Trudeau, Merv Tweed.

And a reminder again: No leaders; no cabinet ministers; no NDP leadership candidates are eligible here.

[polldaddy poll=5784318]

29 thoughts on “Who's been the top MPs of the year?”

  1. It appears to me that your selection’s for your poll may be somewhat off, seeing as how over a quarter of respondents, myself included: felt the need to cite an MP you did not list.

  2. Although I completely disagree with her interventions during QP and wish she would get some advice on a more flattering clothing style (yes, it’s rather superficial to mention that, but it’s part of the total image) I find NDPer Christine Moore an impressive & self-assured performer for a rookie MP. On the other hand, Hélène Laverdière is a poor performer during QP, given her academic background and work experience — yet she defeated Gilles Duceppe, who was usually deemed the best performer during election debates! Go figure.

    But my vote went to Michelle Rempel, another rookie MP — Conservative, of course
    😉 — who’s been doing a good job of countering some of the misinformation about Canada’s effect on global GHG emissions.

    In the “other” category, I would include Conservative Candice Hoeppner, who’s been a very articulate spokesperson for scrapping the long-gun registry.

    I haven’t seen Ms. Moore participate in any panels, but the two Conservative MPs are quick-witted, countering opposition MPs’ arguments rather than simply repeating some talking points — which ALL MPs use, not just Conservatives.

  3. I would have written in Elizabeth May were it not for your no-leaders rule. Charlie Angus has routinely helped not only his constituents get national attention, but also leads the charge against the crooked copyright lobby.

  4. Candice Hoeppner who has the courage and conviction to push for the end of the long gun registry. She and the Conservatives are enacting sensible laws and trying to save money for important programs

  5. I must agree with the nomination of Candice Hoeppner. She singlehandedly took on big union-bankrolled gun controllers, risking her career to fight the wasteful and inefficient gun registry.

    Best MP of 2011.

  6. Candice hands down for the grace and poise she showed while putting the NDP, Lib and BQ MPS in their place during the C19 hearings..

  7. Helo Hoeppner Army! Thank you to the dozens who flooded this poll to vote for Candice. She’s easily the most popular among the readers of this post. Problem for Candice is: None of the MPs I quizzed (including those in her own caucus) or other Parliament Hill types thought to mention her when I asked them to identify a couple of backbench MPs – on either side of the House — who they thought were doing a solid job but not getting much notice for it.
    That’s not to say those I quizzed think badly of Candice or think she’s done a poor job. But I do think in the eyes of many of her colleagues (and, to be honest, in mine as well), Garry Breitkreuz is not getting enough credit for killing the long gun registry and Candice is getting too much. That’s neither Garry’s nor Candice’s fault — that’s the playbook that the PMO wanted to roll out. But it was Garry who carried the gun registry torch for nearly a decade before, for whatever reason, PMO decided in the last Parliament to give that torch to Candice.
    So that’s why she wasn’t on the initial ballot: The names on the ballot were those suggested to me in discussions with several Conservative, NDP, and Liberal MPs who were asked to identify a few MPs they thought was doing a good job and was not getting enough attention.

  8. “Candice hands down for the grace and poise she showed while putting the NDP, Lib and BQ MPS in their place during the C19 hearings..”

    Absolutely. Gary did a great job too. But Candice has one thing normally not included in an MP with “balls”, being female. Yet, the C19 hearings shows she definitely has the balls to take on the BS from the anti’s.

  9. Pure and simple, Hoeppner was given the talking notes from the PMO. Nobody does anything without PM Harper’s blessing. She was coached and funded. Last year’s Gun Registry charade was a shadow puppet show. Not a Conservative but Rempel did a decent job, Ashton as a newcomer and a classy guy like Cotler stood up and said Baird was doing a decent job, even after the crap thrown his way from the CPC.

  10. As you are quoted below, you have added Charles Angus to the list based on write in votes.You have written above “The names on the ballot were those suggested to me in discussions with several Conservative, NDP, and Liberal MPs who were asked to identify a few MPs they thought was doing a good job and was not getting enough attention.”

    So what is it? Your going to add Candace Hoeppner, Or your just talking out of your south end when your facing north?

    UPDATE II: Based on voting overnight here, I’ve added Charlie Angus’ name to the multiple choice list below. He was the top “write-in” choice. In fact, he was the only “write-in” choice to receive multiple votes. The following MPs have all received one “write-in” votes. Ed Holder, Frank Valeriote, Ted Opitz, Scott Andrews, Harold Albrecht, Susan Trupee, Mark Adler, Chris Warkentin, Kerri-Lyne Findlay, David McGuinty, Kelly Block, Jamie Nicholls, Bob Zimmer, Phil McColeman, Stéphane Dion, Rick Dykstra, Carolyn Bennett, Justin Trudeau, Merv Tweed.

  11. Anyone else getting lots of votes? I voted for Rick Dykstra, he’s been doing a good job at immigration for years and represents the government well on TV.

  12. How is it that you now put up Canadace Hoepner with 1.83% of the vote? When in the Other category she was leading by more than 41%. She was winning handsdown. So now you put her up with the other’s with a few votes. Are we a little biased with the poll here and you have already picked your choice to win?

  13. I voted for Rick Dykstra too he’s my local MP and does good work for St. Catharines, he’s also very strong on justice issues. Maybe he should be an option….

  14. David First of all Kudos to you for adding Candice. It shows class sadly not normally associated with people in your career. I am curious however if it would be possible to transfer those “other” votes that had been apportioned to Candice (or was that done).

    Cheers and thanks

  15. Folks: Thanks for all your comments. Clearly, the “I love Candice” robots have been activated as that’s all the commentary and votes that are now being put up.
    To answer a couple of things raised by previous commenters:
    1. Candice’s name was not on the initial list because, as I’ve mentioned, she was not named by three dozen or so MPs — including those from her own party — when I asked them which Parliamentarian impressed them most since the May election.
    2. We use the “PollDaddy” service here to generate these polls. So far as I know, I cannot retroactively add a pile of votes to any one candidate. But I will provide updated results with all of the ‘write-in’ Candice votes. If I could add them in, she would, at noon on Friday, top this list with about 20 per cent of all ballots cast.
    3. Am I biased? I am biased in favour of reporting, as dispassionately as possible, what a group of Parliamentarians think about their peers.

  16. Ok now I am a tad offended. For asking a simple question (which you have sufficiently answered) am I deemed a “Candice Robot? What ab out the Charlie Angus proponents?
    By refering to the Pro Candice supporters as “Robots” you do in fact show a distinct bias and it does not look good on you as a “reporter of facts” It does not prove you to be dispassionate. So much more the shame.

    That said I do appreciate your revealing that if she had originally been on the poll she would be at 20%. I would hope and trust that when your poll is closed you will publish the correct results of ALL the “others” that you subsequently added to the poll option. Yes that includes that skunk Angus 🙂

  17. It is always a great thing when an MP steps up with a controversial bill that could damage their careers. Gary Breikreuz – an excellent MP – can be added too if you like, because he has been a tireless supporter of Canadian gun rights. But Hoeppner is this years MP on that front. It was she who introduced the bill, then harpooned the Chiefs of Police in committee hearings for lieing about the number of hits on the registry. It is the effectiveness of the MP, not just the perseverence that has to be measured.

  18. You may think you are not biased but calling those that voted for Candace Hoepner robots, prooves you just may be.

  19. Candace Hoeppner has more get-up-and-go than the average MP. My vote goes to her for standing up for sensible laws, and especially for being instrumental in ending the embarrassing, stupid, expensive, ineffective Long Gun Registry.

  20. My vote easily goes to Wai Young who we call the dragon slayer. Though not living in her riding, my husband and I volunteered to work on her campaign. It was a most cratifying experience. Wai is a real people person. She really cares. It shows in all her dealings with people and in the activities that she participates in since assuming office. Considering her experience, high energy level and strong drive, I predict this is one MP to watch out for. It will not be too long before she becomes part of the inner circle.

  21. It looks like the results and the commentary that should be summarizing this poll have fallen by the wayside, or are being ignored. Mr. Akin stated, in his article above, (Dec 22\11) “I’ll have a column across our chain on this subject next week.”

    Did I miss it? If so, can someone provide a link?


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