Lousy poll numbers prompts B.C. Premier to slag pollster

Premiers Brad Wall and Alison Redford, of Saskatchewan and Alberta respectively, are the country’s most popular premiers, pollster Angus Reid says in a new survey.

At the other end of the scale are Nova Scotia’s Darrel Dexter — just 27 per cent approve of the way he’s doing his job — and B.C.’s Christy Clark – second lowest at 30%.

Every politician will tell you polls come and go but you don’t often see a leading politician actually slag the pollster by name when that pollster has some bad numbers. And yet, that’s just what Clark does …

“First, we are a year from an election,” Clark said in a press conference held at the groundbreaking of a new Ronald McDonald house. “Second, I think that in recent months we’ve seen, you know, that polls really aren’t very meaningful … And third, it’s an Angus Reid poll.

via Clark ranked 2nd-last in premier popularity poll | CTV British Columbia.

2 thoughts on “Lousy poll numbers prompts B.C. Premier to slag pollster”

  1. Believe Premier of NB, David Alward, should be last on the list or at least tied for last. He is just another puppet at the end of the string operated by the french minority in our province. Get with it people, start sharing some really meaning full facts of the dire straits we are in at the hands of billingualism which is enforced as frenchification – french first and twice and important!!!

  2. well christy and her party shouldn’t of jammed smart meters and the hst down our throats. also when the referendum came to end the hst she shouldn’t of dragged her heels on reversing it. maybe she would be fairing better.

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