NDP Convention: Combatting Tax Shelters resolution

Here’s the first resolution being debated at the NDP Leadership Convention:

1-01-13 Resolution on Combatting Tax Shelters

Submitted by Hochelaga

WHEREAS, in addition to creating a “parasitic” sector driven by tax evasion, tax shelters serve to hide

profits and the very existence of vast fortunes, often obtained by criminal means;

BE IT RESOLVED that a new clause be added to Subsection 1.7 of the Policy Book:

e. Combatting tax havens and money laundering.

MP Peggy Nash opened debate, arguing the Conservatives have been blind to this problem. NDP argues we are losing $8 billion a year. “The Conservative solution is a snitch line.”

Nash says Conservatives are cutting enforcement and compliance at the Canada Revenue Agency.

“New Democrats will take real action to have a fair tax system,” Nash tells the plenary.

Unnamed delegate speaks in favour:

Motion passes.


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