Text of C-30: The bill that would allow warrant-less Internet wiretaps

Here is the text of the Bill C-30, tabled this morning in the House of Commons. Among its provisions, it would allow police to obtain customer data and other information from your Internet service provider (ISP) and other telecom provider without first obtaining a warrant from a judge. NDP MP Charlie Angus calls this “an unprecedented bill that undermines the privacy rights of Canadians.”

Bill C-30




3 thoughts on “Text of C-30: The bill that would allow warrant-less Internet wiretaps”

  1. they already have the right to obtain that data without warrant, with the caveat that they provide one eventually…this means they don’t need one period.

  2. this is complete crap… completely goes against our privacy….
    im a tax paying citizen, no criminal record, no speeding tickets or parking tickets, but i believe this to be a load of crap.

  3. Page 61, 487.019(1) An order made under any of sections 487.013 to 487.018 (487.013 is computer data, 487.014 is documents, 487.014 is a transmission device or transmission data, 487.015 is preparing or producing transmission data, 487.015 is preparing or producing tracking data and 487.018 is banking information) may contain any conditions that the justice or judge considers appropriate including, in the case of an order made under section 487.014 (documents), conditions to protect a privileged communication between a person who is qualified to give legal advice and their client. Am I reading this right: Lawyer /Client priviledges revoked? Even in the case of the worst offenders, of which child pornographers are some, this goes against the fabric of our legal system.

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