Harper's Asia tour: Day 1 itinerary

Prime Minister Stephen Harper arrived in Agra, India Sunday night to begin a six-day tour of the country. His itinerary includes a mix of cultural, business and political events.

I’m part among the group of journalists covering the PM’s tour. It’s just after 6 a.m. Monday morning in Agra as I post this and here’s a look at what the PM is up to Monday in India.

(All times India Standard Time)

  • 1030: Prime Minister and Mrs. Harper arrive at the Taj Mahal for a tour of the UNESCO World Heritage site. The last Canadian prime minister to tour the Taj Mahal was Paul Martin in 2005. Jean Chrétien also visited in 1996.
  • 1230: Harper flies from Agra to the Indian capital New Delhi.
  • 1440: Prime Minister and Mrs. Harper tour Humayun’s Tomb.
  • 1600: Harper hosts a roundtable discussion with business leaders.

For those on Twitter, Canadian journalists, including me, are using the hashtag #PMAsia if you’d like to follow along.

2 thoughts on “Harper's Asia tour: Day 1 itinerary”

  1. I’m wondering why our prime minister is globe trotting so much??? Remember that’s OUR money he’ and his wife are spending. B. C is already importing Chinese to work in coal mines. Do these men know how to use modern equipment? Canada has enough unemployment to send workers there. Harper should be creating jobs here, not running around the world touring the sites.

  2. HARPO should be home in Canada signing papers to CANCEL the deal with China.

    Not travelling to Asia with his wife on our tax dollars.

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