Suzuki for Murray. Take that, Trudeau!

David Suzuki
David Suzuki, seen here in Edmonton in 2012, says Joyce Murray should be the next federal Liberal leader. (DAVID BLOOM/EDMONTON SUN)

Earlier today, David Suzuki, the environmental activist, endorsed Vancouver-Quadra MP Joyce Murray in the federal Liberal leadership race. Here’s the letter from Suzuki, released by the Murray campaign:

An open letter to Canadians:

I am writing this as an individual citizen, not on behalf of any organization or political party. In fact, I do not belong to any political party. I will support candidates, platforms and policies of any party that move our country towards a more just and sustainable future.

I was delighted to see that the federal Liberal party allows any Canadian to participate in the choice of its leader. I urge everyone who is concerned about democracy, the environment and social justice to take part in this selection process and thereby register support for specific policies and visions for this country.

I am heartened by the platform laid out by Joyce Murray. Sustainability is one of the key concepts underlying her policy proposals from food to climate. She recognizes that Canada is one of the most vulnerable industrialized nations to the impact of climate change: as a northern country where warming is going on faster, with the longest marine coastline in the world threatened by sea level rise and the economic vulnerability of climate sensitive areas of agriculture, forestry, fisheries, tourism and winter sports. Her proposal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions includes doing what Sweden, Germany, Australia and even China already do, namely, put a price on carbon, which is both an effective inducement to reduce emissions and a revenue source for much needed initiatives such as public transit, efficiency and renewable energy.

Gender equity is a critical issue today and her proposal to mandate targets for government organizations and committees is much needed. And finally, she calls for progressive elements to work together to avoid election of parties with a smaller proportion of votes. She is boldly pressing for electoral reform through proportional representation to get away from the tyranny of our first past the post system so that minority positions can be represented in government.

You can influence the policies of the Liberal party by registering to vote in the leadership race. For me, Joyce Murray presents a platform that I am going to support. I hope you will give her your support too, if you agree.

David Suzuki

4 thoughts on “Suzuki for Murray. Take that, Trudeau!”

  1. What are you Akin, a little school-yard bully? What an asinine headline to your story!
    I half expected the sub-heading to be: “na-neh, na-neh, nah! nah!”
    You & your right-wing buddies sure are afraid of Justin Trudeau. But, you should be, because he’s soon going to kick your butts!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Like Trudeau said ” all good PMs come from Quebec.
    He also said ” that he supports the ‘idle no more” movement.
    He also said that he will join the separatist party.
    He also said that he will the coalition party to do anything to get rid of Harper.

    One thing for sure Trudeau will be used left right and center by the NDP, BLOC and those among his party.

  3. Agree with you, Blake. Can’t for this Justin to win and put all these characters (Harper included) where they belong.

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