Rod Smelser: 1950-2013

Rod Smelser

Thank you, Rod, for sharing your wisdom and experience with wit and passion.

Three years ago, another Twitter-only friend, Penny Lankshear, passed away. Like Rod, I’d only engaged with Penny on Twitter. I wrote about Penny’s death here — “Death of a Twitter Friend” — and while some of that was specific to Penny, I think some of the sentiment also applies to Rod, why I will miss him. Here are some slightly modified grafs from that 2011 post:

I suspect ..  that it has something to do with that fact that our relationship, such as it was, was based on the fact that I believe we took each other seriously. I wanted to read what he had to say and, though I don’t know for sure, he seemed to be interested in what I had to say. He would re-tweet and comment on my stuff and I would do the same to him. [We had a] common connection – a serious interest in politics — and that was all it took for each of us to take each other seriously when we bleated something out on Twitter.

And really, isn’t that what all of us want when it comes to political discourse? We want to know that others are listening to us. That we will not be insulted, demeaned, or hollered at for what we say about politics in this country but, rather, that our contributions will be considered, debated, and taken seriously.

So, thank you, Rod, wherever you may be now, for taking me seriously. We disagreed often, to be sure. But journalists — well, me, at least — don’t mind that so long as we’re taken seriously.

UPDATE from Rod’s widow:


3 thoughts on “Rod Smelser: 1950-2013”

  1. Rod and I had quite a few conversations, both on and offline..And Rod had many a dust ups over at The Tyee.

    A powerful behind the scenes player and spokesman. fighting for the good guys..

    He took no guff and fired back with the best of them, Rod Smelser, unlike me was always able to keep his cool, Rod would insult you with raw data and proven facts.

    Welcome to the land of twinkling stars Mr. Rod Smelser.

    Good Night

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