No other way to say it: The BC Government is fudging its job creation record

  • While Clark campaigns to be number one on job creation, BC is actually the worst in the West and 4th worst in Canada
  • BC government is making false claims about the performance of the BC Jobs Plan

The headline news from Statistics Canada Friday morning was not good for the government of Premier Christy Clark. In it’s monthly jobs report, Statscan reported an unexpected and surprising jobs boom in Ontario and Quebec but the worst performing province in November compared to October was B.C. Statscan reported 4,700 jobs were lost in B.C. in the month and the unemployment rate rose to 6.8% from 6.7%.

Clark’s government, having staked a good chunk of her political fortunes on the BC Jobs Plan she announced on Sept. 22, 2011, now gets cheered or jeered once a month when Statscan publishes the scorecard on how Clark’s Jobs Plan is doing.

Perhaps in anticipation of a few jeers, the BC government was out early with a press release trying to spin some silver linings into what was otherwise a rather dark cloud. The press release announced that “B.C.’s investment in job creation provides stability” and seemed to rather hope that you wouldn’t look under the hood or examine any of the facts too closely.

The press release notes, for example, that if you look at the year-over-year job numbers for B.C., things don’t look that bad. B.C. job creation record is fourth overall! Just one problem with settling for fourth: The premier quite loudly promised to be number one. That’s what I heard when Clark spoke to the B.C. Liberal convention at the end of October and it’s what The Vancouver Sun’s Jonathan Fowlie (and many other B.C. reporters there) zeroed in on as the key takeaway from the speech:

“We have set out these bold goals and we are reaching our targets,” she continued, adding that while she will to announce additions to the plan in the weeks to come, it will form the bedrock of her party’s campaign.

“I’m going to run in the next election on the strong economy. I’m going to run on (being) number one in job creation,” she said.

And yet, the press release issued by Clark’s government concedes:

With 29,400 job gains since November 2011, B.C. ranks fourth compared to other province.

If you’re going to run-on being number one, probably best not to point out to voters that “We’re Number Four!” And it’s true, year-over-year, B.C. trails Quebec (+109,200 net new jobs), Ontario (+85,300) and Alberta (+38,900) .

But —

If you measure the year-over-year performance on a relative basis — the percentage change in the number of employed people — B.C. is doing much worse than fourth. It’s actually sixth or, to put it another way, fourth worst. B.C. has year-over-year employment improvement of 1.29 per cent, just ahead of Ontario’s 1.27 per cent improvement but behind Newfoundland (+3.79%), Saskatchewan (3.07%), Quebec (+2.78%), Alberta (1.82%) and Manitoba (1.36%). In fact, as the astute reader will have already noticed, B.C.’s employment growth over the last year is the worst among the Western provinces.

Now fourth best in absolute terms versus sixth best in relative terms is the kind of spin you’d expect in a press released.

What you don’t expect, down there at the bottom of the press release, is a line which can only be described as a falsehood:

Since the release of ‘Canada Starts Here: the BC Jobs Plan’, B.C. has added 41,800 net new jobs …

So just when was “the release of ‘Canada Starts Here: the BC Jobs Plan’? Well, here’s a press released dated September 22, 2011 titled “Premier releases Canada Starts Here”  And here’s the transcript of a speech Premier Clark gave to the Vancouver Board of Trade on September 22, 2011 titled “Premier Christy Clark introduces Canada Starts Here: The BC Jobs Plan”. So based on those two items, I am going to assume that when Friday’s press release says “Since the release of ‘Canada Starts Here: The BC Jobs Plan’,” we all take that to mean since its release on September 22, 2011.

Well, let’s look at how many people in B.C. had a job on September 22, 2011.

You can look up that information using Statistics Canada Table 282-0087.

Statistics Canada found that in September, 2011, there were 2.2988 million in B.C. who had a job.

So we can now rephrase that that line from the press release to mean:

“Since the release on September 22, 2011 of ‘Canada Starts Here: the BC Jobs Plan’ when a total of 2.2988 British Columbians had jobs …”

Now what about the back end of that line, that bit about B.C. adding 41,800 net new jobs since then?

Not true.

In November, 2012, Statistics Canada reports there are 2.3127 million British Columbians who had a job.  Subtract the number of jobs in September 2011 from the number recorded in November 2012 and you have 13,900 more net new jobs no 41,800 net new jobs.

We’re clear here right? Both the government, in its press release, and me in my calculations are using the number of jobs “since the release of ‘Canada Starts Here'” which the record shows was released on September 22, 2011. Now, it’s true that if you measure instead using August, 2011 as your baseline employment numbers and subtract the total number working then from the total number working in November 2012, you will get 41,800 net new jobs. But the press release did not say “Since August, 2011, BC has added 41,800 net new jobs.” It said “Since the release of Canada Starts Here: the BC Jobs Plan” and that plan, I think we’ve established, was released on September 22, 2011.

Which means the government is falsely claiming its job creation plan is three times better than it actually is?

In fact, since the Premier announced her “BC Jobs Plan” 14 months ago and announced she was going run on being number one in job creation just over a month ago, the record on job creation is rather pedestrian. Comparing September 2011 to November 2012:

  • While B.C.’s population has grown by 1.1 per cent over the last 14 months,  net new job growth is about half that or 0.6 per cent.
  • Though B.C. workforce is now bigger in absolute terms (+14,500) , it is smaller in the arguably more important relative way, namely the ratio of those British Columbians in the work force (you add up the number of employed, partly employed and those who say they’re unemployed) to those not in the work force (Students, retirees, the independently wealthy and so on).  This is the labour force participation rate and it sits now at 64.8 per cent. It was 65.1 per cent when the Jobs Plan was announced.
  • The unemployment rate when the Jobs Plan was announced was 6.8 per cent. The unemployment rate 14 months later is 6.8 per cent.

3 thoughts on “No other way to say it: The BC Government is fudging its job creation record”

  1. nice column. lays it out clearly & everyone can understand it. now I’ll forward it to my friends.

    If there were so many jobs then why are there so many people at the food banks. IF there were so many jobs then there would be an increase in provincial revenue & therefore more money for people on social assistance, education, etc.

    The provincial government lies, lies, lies. Things are not going well in this province & I don’t see a change coming.

  2. Now that the lies are established, the next issue is the media accepting OUR money to broadcast the lies back to us.

    What would Global or CBC say if I slapped down $1 million and demanded a week of ads that claimed the Holocaust never happened?

  3. xlnt column, curious about the percentage of workers 20-65 yr. have a full time job, how the workforce has changed 50 years. Also wondering if children and elderly are include in those not in the workforce.

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