Greens poised to rain on BC NDP parade on Vancouver Island

We talked to Jane Sterk, who is the leader of the Green Party of BC and who, as the Green candidate in Victoria-Beacon Hill, will be trying to knock off BC NDP incumbent (and former BC NDP leader) Carole James. 

Vancouver Island looks to be solid BC NDP territory in this May’s upcoming election but if Adrian Dix’s party thought it might sweep the Island’s 14 seats, Sterk’s Greens might have something to say about that.

In Oak Bay-Gordon Head, world renowned University of Victoria climatologist Andrew Weaver is seen as the most likely Green candidate to win and if he does, he’ll knock off BC Liberal MLA and minister Ida Chong.

The Greens also believe they have a promising shot in Saanich North and the Islands, and in Victoria-Swan Lake.

Elizabeth May, the leader of the Green Party of Canada, represents the federal riding of Saanich-Gulf Islands which maps on to some of those provincial ridings and May is expected to help campaign for Sterk’s team.

One thought on “Greens poised to rain on BC NDP parade on Vancouver Island”

  1. She’s going nowhere. Carole James is very popular in her constituency. Andrew Weaver is much more likely to win because of his exceptional credentials and being up against a Liberal incumbent.

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