A review of the polls in BC: Dix leads in all but the gap varies

A running tally of the polls published in the B.C. election campaign (the writ dropped on April 16), arranged here, with the most recent on top. In every poll, Adrian Dix and the NDP lead with Christy Clark and the Liberals in second. The biggest gap of 22 points between the two was found by Justason in a poll published April 29. The smallest gap was 2 points in poll published May 9 by Forum.

  • May 10: Angus Reid: NDP 45 | LIB 36 |  GRE 9 | BCCP 6 (808 surveyed) 9 points
  • May 10: Ipsos Reid: NDP 43 | LIB 37  | GRE 10 | BCCP 7 (May 8-9, online, 800 surveyed) 6 points
  • May 10: Justason: NDP 45 | LIB 31 | GRE 14 | BCCP 8  (May 8-9, online, 700 surveyed) 14 points
  • May 9: Forum: NDP 43 | LIB 41 | GRE 8 | BCCP 6 (May 8, Phone IVR, 1,147 surveyed) 2 points
  • May 9: Hill and Knowlton: NDP 41 | LIB 35 | GRE 14 | BCCP 8 (Online, 804 surveyed) 6 points
  • May 9: Oraclepoll: NDP 41 | LIB 37 | GRE 12 | BCCP 10 (May 5-7, Phone, 1,000 surveyed) 4 points
  • May 5: Angus Reid – NDP 41 | LIB 34 | GRE 12 | BCCP 10 (May 1-2, online, 808 surveyed)  7 points
  • May 3: Ipsos Reid – NDP 45 | LIB 35 | GRE 10 | BCCP 7 (Apr 30-May 2, online, 1,000 surveyed) 10 points
  • May 1: Forum – NDP 39 | LIB 35 | GRE 12 | BCCP 9 (Phone IVR, 1,055 surveyed.) 4 points
  • April 29: Abacus – NDP 43 | NDP 33 | GRE 12 | BCCP 9 (Apr 23-26, online, 1,042 surveyed) 10 points 
  • April 29: Justason – NDP 49 | NDP 27 | BCCP 12 | GRE 11 (Apr 15-23, online, 600 surveyed) 22 points
  • April 26: Angus Reid – NDP 45 | LIB 31 | GRE 11 | BCCP 10 (Apr 24-25, online, 812 surveyed)  14 points
  • April 16: Ipsos Reid – NDP 48 | LIB 29 | BCCP 11 | GRE 9 (Apr 11-14, online, 800 survyed) 19 points



NDP = BC New Democratic Party

LIB = BC Liberal Party

GRE – BC Green Party

BCCP = Conservative Party of BC

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