Video: Former BC Finance Minister Colin Hansen pitches in to fight off Adrian Dix and the NDP

Colin Hansen had the good fortune/misfortune to be the finance minister of British Columbia when his boss, then Premier Gordon Campbell, told him to merge the GST and BC’s PST to create BC’s HST. Any number of economists (and a certain federal finance minister named Jim Flaherty) will tell you that an HST is more efficient, better for the economy, etc., etc.,

But British Columbians hated it at least because Hansen announced the plan to move to an HST within weeks after the last BC provincial election, an election in which Campbell’s Liberals made no mention of the HST.

The backlash was ferocious, so much so that Campbell eventually called it a day (and was sent, by Prime Minister Stephen Harper, to London where he is Canada’s High Commissioner to the UK) and was replaced as leader and premier by Christy Clark. Clark subsequently sent Hansen to the backbench in the Victoria legislature. Then she held an HST referendum and after campaigning half-heartedly in its favour lost that ballot and resolved to go back to a PST and an HST. Hansen, meanwhile, had been relegated by Clark to the backbenches in the legislature and so, after 17 years in that institution, got the message and, last September, announced his retirement as MLA for Vancouver-Quilchena (a riding which is the eastern neighbour, incidentally, of Clark’s Vancouver-Point Grey riding).

But Hansen is still a force in the party, taking on the duties of deputy campaign manager for the upcoming election. His task will be to to convince voters that Clark is Campbell’s heir to the free enterprise coalition that has been governing BC for an awful long time now. Here, on Battleground, we ask him about the election and the role the HST will play and what he’ll be doing to help Christy Clark overcome Adrian Dix’s Socialist Hordes. ™

One thought on “Video: Former BC Finance Minister Colin Hansen pitches in to fight off Adrian Dix and the NDP”

  1. You need to remember that the HST was but a single factor in Gordon Campbell’s resignation.
    The BC Rail saga had come to a boil inside of the BC Government Caucus. John van Dongen was leading a revolt against Gordon Campbell. As he states in his sworn affidavit in BC Supreme Court, MLA and former Solicitor General, John van Dongen had two bureaucrats scheduled to stand before the Government Caucus MLAs to explain the outlandish result of paying off liberal insiders for pleading guilty for breach of trust, in relation to the sale of BC Rail. Everyone inside baseball in Victoria recognizes the HST was a single issue, for Campbell’s resignation.
    Gordon Campbell was avoiding a much larger issue that could possibly put him and his friends in a hurt locker. If the NDP does win in May, they have stated they will have an inquiry into the sale of BC Rail, the same goes for the Conservatives, though they will not win.
    The truth will come out then. The BC Liberals will do ANYTHING, to stop it.

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