With a nominally conservative government about to nationalize a car company the week after announcing the largest deficit in Canadian history, I can't say I'm surprised to see members of that government fanning out across the country to have their pictures taken with uniformed police officers and remind their base that while the conservative economic agenda may have temporarily been abandoned, the Conservative law-and-order agenda is back on track! If you're collecting the set, here's what you'll need (all times local):
- OTTAWA – Public Safety Minister Peter Van Loan “Will Make an Important Announcement Regarding Sex Offenders and Public Safety” 0930 outside the House of Commons.
- SASKATOON – Minister Lynn Yelich “Will Make an Important Announcement Regarding Sex Offenders and Public Safety” 1000 @ Saskatoon Policy Headquarters
- HALIFAX – MP Gerald Keddy “Will Make an Important Announcement Regarding Sex Offenders and Public Safety” 1100 @ Halifax Police Headquarters.
- REGINA – (Former RCMP officer and) Conservative MP Rob Clarke “Will Make an Important Announcement Regarding Sex Offenders and Public Safety “Will Make an Important Announcement Regarding Sex Offenders and Public Safety” 1100 @ the Alvin Hamilton Building.
- CHARLOTTETOWN – Fisheries Minister Gail Shea “Will Make an Important Announcement Regarding Sex Offenders and Public Safety” 1100 at Charlottetown Policy Headquarters.
- SAINT JOHN – Conservative MP Rob Moore “”Will Make an Important Announcement Regarding Sex Offenders and Public Safety”” at 0930 at the Saint John Airport.
- VANCOUVER – Former public safety minister and current Trade Minister Stockwell Day “”Will Make an Important Announcement Regarding Sex Offenders and Public Safety” at 0900 at Vancouver Police Headquarters.
- EDMONTON – Minister Rona Ambrose “”Will Make an Important Announcement Regarding Sex Offenders and Public Safety”” at 0900 at Edmonton Police Services.
- ST. JOHN'S – Senator Fabian Manning “Will Make an Important Announcement Regarding Sex Offenders and Public Safety”” at 1100 at 10 Fort William Place.
- WINNIPEG – Minister Vic Toews “Will Make an Important Announcement Regarding Sex Offenders and Public Safety” at the Cargill Building @ 1100.
- MONTREAL – Minister Christian Paradis “Will Make an Important Announcement Regarding Sex Offenders and Public Safety” at 1000 at the Montreal Science Center.
It's not their fault- the endless repetition by the Tory faithful is simply a reflection of what fear does to some people… it makes them stutter!