The motion to commit Canadian Forces to combat against Islamic State

Here is the motion tabled in the House of Commons today that will be debated on and voted on Monday:

The Minister of Foreign Affairs

That this House

(i) recognise that the leadership of the terrorist group known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) has called on its members to target

Canada and Canadians at home and abroad;

(ii) further recognise the clear and direct threat that ISIL poses to the people of the region, including members of vulnerable religious and ethnic minority groups who have been subjected to a sustained campaign of brutal sexual violence, murder, and barbaric intimidation by ISIL;

(iii) accept that, unless confronted with strong and direct force, the threat ISIL poses to international peace and security, including to Canadian communities, will continue to grow;

(iv) affirm Canada’s desire, consistent with Canadian values and interests, to protect the vulnerable and innocent civilians of the region, including through urgent humanitarian assistance;

(v) acknowledge the request from the Government of Iraq for military support against ISIL from members of the international community, including from the Government of Canada;

(vi) further acknowledge the participation of Canada’s friends and allies, including numerous countries of the Middle East, in the broad international coalition committed to the fight against ISIL; and

(vii) note that the United Nations Security Council has become seized of the threat posed by international terrorism with the unanimous passage of United Nations Security Council Resolution 2178,

and, accordingly,

(a) support the Government’s decision to contribute Canadian military assets to the fight against ISIL, and terrorists allied with ISIL, including air strike capability for a period of up to six months;

(b) note that the Government of Canada will not deploy troops in ground combat operations; and

(c) continue to offer its resolute and wholehearted support to the brave men and women of the Canadian Armed Forces who stand on guard for all of us

The Liberals will not even wait for Monday to debate. They’ve made up their minds:


4 thoughts on “The motion to commit Canadian Forces to combat against Islamic State”

  1. Well Mister Trudeau what an act of cowardice don’t you understand the threat that these people are to our way of life you and your party will never get my or my families votes ever.

  2. Good for you Justin, do not give Harper and his cronies a blank cheque. The way they treat our arm forces, well it is just shameful .

    1. Well Larry,I guess you didn’t serve in the Forces under Trudeau juniors daddy.
      Under liberal management,our military went from an effective and well equipped fighting force to an embarrassment to NATO.
      If anyone treated our military forces with utter disrespect,it was Pierre Elliot Trudeau.
      Harper has had to clean up the mess that the liberals left in a very short time.
      You should get your facts straight.
      It was the liberal party that forced “unification” on us and treated our veteran soldiers with complete indifference.

  3. The world and in particular the United States is suffering greatly under the rule of a liberal progressive ideologue President in Barack Obama.

    Justin Trudeau is just another liberal progressive ideologue like Barack Obama and he will ruin Canada if given the chance which is why he will never be elected as a Prime Minister.

    ‘Political Correctness’ and liberal cultural Marxist ideology has no place in the West. Our focus in the West is to maintain our Judeo Christian values and principles and rid our homeland of anything that wants to threaten our way of life.

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