Now, I like CTV's Craig Oliver, but what the heck!?!

Back in 2004, when I started bugging the CTV national news brass in Toronto to move me off of Bay Street, where I was the network's national business and technology correspondent, to let me try my hand at covering federal politics in the network's Ottawa bureau, I knew that I wasn't going anywhere unless CTV's Ottawa bureau chief at the time, Craig Oliver, was ok with the move.

I assume he was ok with my request, because I switched beats just in time to get a down-front seat for the final few months of the last Liberal government we may see for a very, very long time. I was grateful to Craig and the CTV head office folks for letting me make the move.

Shortly after I arrived, Oliver would pass the bureau chief baton — one he'd held for ages — to a newcomer to TV, my old National Post colleague, Robert Fife. With Fife assuming the day-to-day leadership of the bureau, Oliver focused on his weekly show, Question Period and was a great help to those, like me, who were learning how to report on federal politics for national TV.

I say all that to let you know that I probably wouldn't be doing what I'm doing if Oliver thought I was for the birds and I think he's one heck of an icon in journalism circles here. Plus he's one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet.

But he ain't always right. (And he'd be the first to say so, I'm sure.)

And he was, oh, so terribly un-right — in other words: wrong — when he peed all over Sun News Network at a time when I was one of three actual employees of the outfit. “Who needs it?” Oliver said at the time. “We’re already struggling for audience, all of us. We don’t need another news channel.”

In that segment, we should note, Oliver talks about the last job my boss, Kory Teneycke, had, as the director of communications for Prime Minister Stephen Harper and uses that as evidence I and my colleagues will be a propaganda machine for the Tories.

Well, if an entire news organization is going to branded as a bunch of partisan advocates because of their boss, let's look at CTV: Former CTV CEO Ivan Fecan hosted multi-million dollar fundraising dinners for Jean Chretien in the late 1990s. Fecan's hand-picked top communications guy was Paul Sparkes who — wait for it — was in Chretien's inner circle.  When I was in the CTV Ottawa bureau, our in-house lobbyist – a vice-president — had an office around the corner. His name was Charles Bird. Bird's political connections? Former policy advisor to Liberal MP Ralph Goodale. And here's the kicker: Remember those outrageous Liberal ads in the 2006 campaign that warned Canadians that the Conservatives would put “soldiers in our streets” if they won? Well that series of ads was conceived by Jack Fleischmann who had taken a leave of absence from CTV-owned Business News Network to work on Paul Martin's campaign. When Martin lost, Fleischmann came back to BNN. Guess what Fleischman does now? He runs CTV News Channel! So Oliver jumps on Sun News Network because the top executive running my network, Kory Teneycke, was a Conservative operative. And yet he fails to mention that the top executive running CTV's news network — which will be the  competitor to Teneycke's channel — was a Liberal operative. But on Oliver's network, like most of my mainstream media colleagues sadly, you only hear about Teneycke political pedigree. You never hear about the Liberal skeletons in CTV's closet that went all the way to the former CEO.

I suppose Oliver and CTV figured back then that they would have something to fear from us cuz, as it turns out, even though Bell (which owns CTV) refuses to carry Sun News Network on its satellite systems, we're already kicking CTV News Channel's butt thanks to viewers who get their TV from Shaw and Rogers:

Sun News Network scorched CBC and CTV in ratings last Friday.
During the afternoon and in prime time, Sun News programming bested the state broadcaster's News Network by more than 30,000 viewers. CTV News Channel was a distant third.
While Canada Live – guest-hosted by Anita Sharma – reached 72,900 viewers, according to BBM ratings data, the CBC's afternoon programming only had an audience of 37,900. CTV logged 34,000 viewers during the same coveted 3-5 p.m. timeslot.
Even more remarkable is that while Charles Adler was reaching 82,300 viewers at 8 p.m. ET, the CBC could only muster an audience of 58,200. CTV was third place that night with 39,600 tuning in.
Later Friday, Byline with Brian Lilley tied the network record with an audience of 89,000. Sun News' 9 p.m. ET show throttled the meager 18,000-viewer audience for CTV, and nearly knocking the decades-old CBC newscast hosted by Peter Mansbridge off its taxpayer-funded pedestal. Joining the ratings successes, Ezra Levant's show The Source registered 57,000 viewers at 5 p.m. ET.
That crushed CTV's audience of 28,000 viewers and was within striking distance of CBC's audience of 59,200 over the same period.
These early ratings wins come at a time when Sun News is only available in about 5.5 million households, compared with CBC News Network in 10.6 million homes and CTV in 8.5 million.

So why bring all this up? Here's why: Oliver gives Sun News Network the bum's rush — but when our old pal Tom Clark gets a new gig at Global  with a Sunday politics show that is Oliver's first-ever competition for the Question Period franchise, well, that's all fine and dandy:

“What I say to Tom is welcome to the club, we’re glad to have you. I’m a longtime colleague and friend of Tom’s. I have great regard for him. I think the more the merrier,” Oliver told the Toronto Star.

I agree, Craig. But how come I didn't hear “the more the merrier” when we launched?

Incidentally, when Clark's gig with Global was announced earlier this week, the first thing we did at Sun News Network was to invite Clark on my program The Daily Brief to talk a bit about his new program — it's called West Block — and a little more about politics. It was a lot of fun and I'm glad he was able to join us.

I'm looking forward to watching Question Period tomorrow to see if CTV and Oliver are serious about “the more the merrier” and will also invite Clark on their program. The more the merrier!


27 thoughts on “Now, I like CTV's Craig Oliver, but what the heck!?!”

  1. I agree mostly with what you say. But the big difference is SNN was created, designed, publicised from day 1 as a right leaning, conservative voice. CTV, CBC, Global weren't created as left or right leaning organizations. Its hard to view SNN the same way I do others because of how you launched. I dont know why Mr Oliver feels the way he does, but I was against SNN from day one, because I want news, not spin. Yes I know they all spin, but honestly, I watch most news, I am a news junkie and I have tried SNN but the spin is way over the top, and Krista Ericksons assault on Margie Gillis was the finish line for me.
    With that said, I am a huge fan of yours and read you daily, cheers

  2. If you consider a reporter asking valid questions an assault then you have your head firmly planted up your bum mate.
    They were valid questions asked to a grant seeking, government tit sucking, no talent socialist who could not get a real job if her life depended on it. Like most artsy folks, they believe that their art is sacred and the government must support it. I say, if it is that good it can support itself, or perhaps a patron could support them, not the government.

  3. Akin you just made me respect you just a little more. When I read what Oliver had said about Clark I thought of the treatment Sun News got by all the media. The first comment on the thread shows the utter dissrespect that is being shown to Sun News. Spin? The anonmyous poster should give specific evidence of what he/she sees as spin. Of course anything the left hears that doesn't conform to their orthodoxy is spin.
    The fact is Oliver is a cynical old reprobate who should have retired years ago. I can't stand him and his golden haired boy Bob Fife who referred to Conservatives as knuckledragging neanderthals can go with him as well. I am glad you had the courage to expose the hypocrisy of CTV. As for swan hands. There are many people in Canada who think taxpayers' money is being wasted when the government supports this kind of crap .
    Now if we can get CBC privatized we will begin to get some balance in the media in this country.

  4. Sorry David, you're out to lunch. From day one Sun proudly boasted about being right leaning, unlike CTV, CBC and Global who are (mostly) neutral. And as another commenter said, a new show on an existing network isn't the same as an entire new network. I'm sure if Global launched a left leaning cable news network CTV would be equally as unimpressed.
    On a side not, the fact that Sun continues calling itself a “news” channel is laughable at best. When you have hosts like Ezra Levant (Canada's answer to Glenn Beck) spouting half truths and opinions disguised as hard facts, it throws the entire network's credibility out the window.

  5. CBC neutral? Sure buddy. Watch Solomon kiss lefty butt every show but rag on and talk over the Conservative member on his show. Watch Oliver gush over Bob Rae whenever he is on the show. I guess you probably think the Sun newswpapers have the same bias but the Toronto Star is neutral as well, even with Delacourt crying over Ignatieff's crushing defeat on election night.
    And I notice those disagreeing with David here fail to mention all those Liberal links with the higher ups at CTV. Funny that.

  6. I agree, all of you need to really read my post . I am just saying I don't enjoy its type of news. I know they are different, but they are the subjects of the discussion, so of course I mention them together.
    I fid it amusing that whenever I make my opinion known, without insulting anyone, its always people with a right wing lean who insult me. My post simply said I wasn't a big fan and thought an interview was an assault. I doubt Krista Erickson thinks everyone likes everything she does all the time. I din't insult her, anyone at all, yet I get called names. And as I said, it is ALWAYS, in my case atleast only from right leaning posters. I am not drawing any conclusions, but would love an explanation…that doesnt include an insult, if thats possible.

  7. and fyi…i replied in the wrong spot, didn't mean to be replying to this post, as it is harmless, it was meant to be general. sorry to this poster, you were nice, just aloof lol

  8. Classy to start by insulting, sends a solid message about how you think. With that said, I will say I guess we just disagree on what is valid. I think coming from a reporter who worked for CBC and therefore was paid by taxpayers, the irony is a bit rich.
    As for artsy folks, to use you phrase ” you must have your head up your bum.” Government funding makes up a tiny percent of the arts world, pennies compared to corporate welfare and money given to billionaires.
    I am a moderate centrist who wants news, if you took a second to read my whole post you would see my problem was as an average, moderate, middle class canadian, I dont enjoy getting news from an organization that reports it with an open bias, I just want news. Sorry you felt the need to attack me, mind you if you are a huge fan of confrontation and wedge issues, SNN is up your alley.
    I hope you enjoy SNN and learn that a constructive debate isnt littered with insults, as your first line was in response to me. As I tell my 19month old, be kind not mean.
    and in my first post i didnt mean to be annonymous, I meant to post my name, not scared to stand behind my words.

  9. Solomon talks over EVERYONE and paraphrases the government line incessantly on occasions when they don't bother to send a spokesperson. The old hands (Bob Rae being a particular example but there are others from all parties) have taken to steamrolling him when need be.
    As others have already noted, the problem with Akin's beef is Sun was designed with a particular bias in mind from the time it was just a gleam in Mr. Teneycke's eye. (Don Newman said the first time he met him, Kory told him Canada needed its own Fox News). You can't say the same thing about any of the other networks. CTV may be full of Liberals, but it generally ends up doing the same thing as the CBC — reinforcing whatever the status quo is at the time (Conservative, Liberal or what have you.)

  10. It is unuseful to use “labels” in any discussion, as they act merely as triggers to incite partisan emotion on either extreme of debatable issues. It was wrong to label SNN in its infancy as a “mouthpiece of the PC Party” when it is nothing more or less than a sister in enterprise and purpose to QMI and Sun Media — the larynx to the corporate leadership of the business.
    By the same token, it is wrong to label CTV as a playtoy of the Liberal Party. An accusation that Stéphane Dion would no doubt
    heartily contest. The same applies to SNN's apparent current style-book dictate to precede any reference, verbal or written, with the words “state broadcaster” when citing CBC. Yes…the CBC in its various forms was created with government funding of an arm's length creature. But, it is rarely mentioned “why” that occurred…because private corporate interests could not see the viability (i.e. PROFIT) first of radio, then TV, then even all news TV, radio international, and dare I say it even some of the innovative online efforts of more recent vintage (though CBC was almost as slow as corporate media interests to understand and embrace a virtual convergence…like the Sun Empire now appears
    to be trying). Remember that CBC never entered print journalism simply because the press barons of the day would have not heard of it.
    The time may very well be upon us to debate whether Canadians deserve to have one media option that is not profit-driven. I for one believe that we should always maintain this insurance policy. You never know what might happen in the economic and geopolitically turmoiled global village that we inhabit. Our government, whatever their partisan stripe, should keep that in mind. And as we debate the broadest issue, let's try to drop the left/right labels that serve only to polarize and personal attacks that serve only to alienate us one from the other.

  11. This column tells me much more about David Akin than anyone else involved. If you would like to be a journalist kids, avoid this sort of thing.

  12. David,
    You're smart enough to know the difference.
    The context might be similar but watch your network sometime. Listen to Levant, to Lilley, to Erickson, to Charles f**king Adler.
    Your network panders to the worst in people, to our basest instincts.
    I wish you'd go work somewhere else.

  13. This was an interesting revelation by David about some of the “backroomers”. Probably one of the useful things a pseudo-news organization is good for. No need to let inconvienient verification or fact checking interfere with a good story.
    No doubt there are going to be good ratings for Sun News and its programming. After all, Monster Truck shows still get sell-out crowds. But, lets put things in perspective. Sun was created to be confrontational. It was created to give a forum to ideaolgy rather than fact-based journalism. That is OK, just as long as people know that.
    As far as credibiity goes, not very much there at all with Sun especially when you have people like a Sun “star” Krista Erickson saying that John Ralston Saul is the spouse of former Governor General Michaelle Jean.

  14. I remember the night when Martin lost… I thought Oliver was going to do a Randolph & Mortimer Duke and demand the election be halted because he didn't like the result. Awesome night. Always hilarious to watch liberal (Liberal) reporters out themselves on TV.
    When their guys lose, they can't hide their disdain for the stupid voters, and they start spewing.
    The other day, NBC's Chuck Todd did it, “Our pollsters are concerned about the President's poll numbers…” Your pollsters are concerned that your guy isn't popular? Really?!
    At least Cronkite had the sense to hide his true colours until he was done, at which point his family should have locked him away to keep the unbiased myth alive.
    I always kind of felt badly for Craig O. that he had to work well into his 90s… he should have been able to retire long ago.

  15. Once again if you don't like Sun News don't watch it. However, some of us do like it and yes we finally have a Conservative voice. Watching CTV sometimes with Clark and now Martin I want to throw my shoe at the TV. No bias there. I don't think so. It is time we have a conservative voice in the media. If you don't like what the conservative voices are saying you have choice. However, to watch it and then complain because you don't see what you would like to see is plain silly.

  16. However, that's what makes choice so great. If you don't like Sun News then you can go elsewhere and find the news and information that caters to your tastes. However, to come on a blog and call their reporting spin and accuse the reporters of bias and terrible reporting is disingenuous. If you don't like it then simply don't watch it. What in essence you are doing is criticizing those that do watch it.

  17. You don't seem to get it. They openly, gladly admit to having a right wing ideology, so they do spin the news. Do you not understand what spin is? I did accuse them of bias, and I ask you, do you think if you were to ask Ezra Levant if he had a right leaning bias he would say yes or no? It is spin, they do have a bias, how can you possibly not acknowledge something that SNN themselves admits. Real news is unbiased, this is retail news which has spin.
    You tell me I should just not watch SNN if i don't like it; perhaps if you read my posts you would see I did just that. I watched SNN several times, gave it a chance, didn't like it and don't watch it, why you felt the need to insult me is odd, and quite childish.

  18. I fact I think the Star is pretty much the worst excuse for a news organization this or any other country has ever seen. And believe me, I'm no fan of Craig Oliver or most of CBC's host either but compared to Sun they're the epitome of responsible journalism.

  19. Sure , sure sure. Governments have no ability to put the vicegrips on media. Like the petty little corrupt package from Shawinigan who manhandled Conrad Black…just because he could. At least for a short while. Three guesses who history will regard in high favour.
    A network like SUN identifies it's mission statement and you prefer to have everyone “politely remain in the dark” while your preferred news deliverers profess neutrality far and wide, while delivering barely concealed revulsion at everything not clearly left of centre.

  20. What annoys me about most journalists is their pretense that THEIR organization doesn't have any kind of an agenda or bias, that they simply present the facts, untainted by any kind of political bent.
    When a Persichilli or a Duffy is appointed to a Conservative government post, their critics sneer those journalists were Conservative hacks all along. But if the media personality has connections to another party, well then, all's right with the world.
    While the kind of aggressive polemicism that has wormed its way into so-called political analysis and commentary — be it on the left or on the right — turns me off, I do appreciate organizations and journalists that are up front about their POV, which is how Sun News announced its coming onto the scene. The mistake, IMO, was touting itself as Fox News North before it had even obtained its license. That allowed the censorious choir of people like Don Newman, Margaret Atwood, and Craig Oliver to feel they were safeguarding Canadians from the evils of a conservative POV.
    As for the CBC being neutral … during last night's The National, Neil Macdonald tore into America's reaction to 9/11, sounding almost like a Truther. Don't take my word for it, listen to him yourself here at the 38:20 mark:
    In the same broadcast, in her interview with Vanity Fair's Graydon Carter, Wendy Mesley bemoans the fact “the media has less power.” Huh? Is that the media’s role? To wield “power”?

  21. Unlike you David, I could never warm up to Oliver as a corporate media personality. Too much of the old Trudeaupian guard arrogance and elitism – as was displayed in his pontifex questions to the upstart Levant. It seemed obvious he simply cannot conceive of other opinions being of need or value to another Canada outside the tiny confines of his Ottawa insider culture. Consensus media personified. No, poor old’ Craig is so partisan and ideologically blind he panders for diversity in everything – but political opinion.
    Yesteryear’s man. Say goodnight Craig there are new kids on the block, whether that offends his narrow sense of diversity or not.

  22. Bill Elder: To a word, I agree with you about Oliver. It is so past the time when he should once again take that self described 'iconic canoe trip' in Algonquin Park. He talks about that event like people talk about the first time they had sex. This time he can be alone with his thoughts and once again bathe in the Trudeaupia that is never far from his withering lips.
    Sorry Craig but your sleight of head and tonal disapprovals fail to carry the water for our household.

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