Why they don't watch local TV news (in St. Louis, anyhow)

[From the June 30 edition of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch]

Readers Explain Why They Don't Watch Local News

By Gail Pennington St. Louis Post Dispatch

We asked; you griped.

Encouraged to comment on St. Louis TV news, more than 100 Post-Dispatch readers weighed in with their pet peeves.

 Many also offered theories on why viewership of late local newscasts continues to fall. Some of those comments appear below. There's not enough space to print every one, but the gripes break down into several categories.

Here are the most common.

Top 10 Pet Peeves About Local TV News

1. Self-promotion. Viewers notice, and hate it, when stations spend news time plugging their network's shows, disguising the hype as legitimate news. —snipped [See the full list ] =============================================== 'Course, one of the reasons newspaper readership may be down is that readers find “top 10 lists” that masquerade as a column a weak excuse for a carefully crafted opinion that makes a particular point with wit and charm. 🙂

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