Weinberger's Top Ten why vacations are worse than real life

David WeinbergerDavid Weinberger (left — in fact, really, really left 🙂 )has just finished the first draft of his new book [Read: Why so long between issues] which means he might be out on a book tour some time early in 2007. (You remember David, don’t you? He and Doc Searls wrote The Cluetrain Manifesto) And if he’s travelling away from his home in Boston, that means he might be visiting a town near you. If he comes to where you live, go see what he has to say. You’ll learn a lot — he’s a smarty-pants who did his doctorate in philosophy at the University of Toronto — but you’ll also laugh a lot. Case in point: David’s list of reasons why vacations are worse than real life. Here’s a few:

  • Can't sneak 19″ monitor into your luggage.
  • Staying indoors is suddenly considered abnormal.
  • Can't claim antisocial tendencies are actually “just a good work ethic.”

[Read the rest of the list]

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