Tooting-My-Own-Horn Dept.: CAJ Awards

The annual awards from the Canadian Association of Journalists will be handed out in Winnipeg next month. The awards recognize some of the best work that’s happened in TV, print, radio and online journalism in Canada over the last year. I’m honoured to be among the the nominees for an award in the “Open Television Under 5 minutes” category for some of the TV reports I did on the CIBC faxing customer data out of the country.

My colleague Avis Favaro is also up for an award in the same category for work she did reporting Internet pharmacy scams.

My Globe and Mail colleagues Karen Howlett, Rob Carrick, and Janet McFarland are nominated in the computer-assisted reporting category for work they did exposing some shady practices in the mutual fund industry. Globe photographer Louie Palu is nominated for a portfolio of his outstanding work.


One thought on “Tooting-My-Own-Horn Dept.: CAJ Awards”

  1. David: I fully expected you to be nominated in the “faith and spirituality” category and was sorely disappointed this was not the case.
    Oh well.
    Robert Thompson

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