Remember the Wood Nymph?

in 1988, I edited the University of Guelph’s student newspaper The Ontarion and, while I (that's me on the left around this time — click on it for an explanation) was at that school and writing for the paper, I wrote a column called “Dance of the Wood Nymph”.

The headline writers at The Portico, the University of Guelph alumni magazine, picked up on that to title a profile about me, penned by writer Rebecca Kendall.

Remember the wood nymph?
Former Ontarion Editor brings home a Gemini

“Cheating, like most forms of dishonesty, has its place and its purpose. In fact, in some cases, cheating is the only option available if . . . one wants to stay in the game. Right now, our federal government doesn’t believe in cheating — they think there’s something inherently bad about it, I suppose — so they have presented a bill to axe our National Policy on Cheating. And so we have free trade.”

Those words were written in the summer of 1988 by David Akin, a young reporter for the student newspaper at the University of Guelph. Back then, Akin’s byline most often appeared in the Ontarion on stories about U of G and campus life, but as editor, he also dabbled in voicing his views on government. Now he travels around North America covering the hottest political topics of our day and can be heard and read daily through the national media. If he wants to share his point of view on today’s political agenda, there’s his daily blog . . . [Read the full story]

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