Recommended bits from around the Web:
- At the SLAW blog, Simon Fodden puts up some extended quotes from Justice David Brown who delivered “a scathing and at times sardonic denunciation” of Ontario’s Sorry Court Document Management System Ripped by Judge
- Over at Forbes, Elise Ackerman notes that Government Investigations of Google Pile Up. Back at the SLAW blog, Michael Lines provides an excellent Google Roundup of how the company that once promised itself to do “Do No Evil” may be drifting from that mission.
- Tufts University professor Daniel Drezner puts up a relatively provocative post at Foreign Policy asking Should Women Get Ph.Ds in international relations? Read that and then read the follow-up post from Drezner in which he reproduces the responses to that first piece from Amy B. Zegart, a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution. Here’s Zegart: “Particularly in national security, when you’re dealing with military officers (most of them men) who literally wear their accomplishments on their clothing, walking in the room with “Dr.” in your title goes a long way to confer immediate legitimacy. The PhD says, “this woman is smart AND masochistic enough to survive a grueling doctoral program.”
- And if you haven’t seen it yet, do watch the “Three Little Pigs” video made to promote The Guardian but which is also getting a lot of people in my business thinking about the way journalism now happens.