L.A. Times: Bloggers Are the Sizzle, Not the Steak

The Los Angeles Times quite rightly notes that, just because you
publish a blog, you are not a journalist. As I've said many times,
readers and viewers decide who journalists are.

Bloggers Are the Sizzle, Not the Steak

Convention seats do not turn Internet gossips into journalists.

By Alex S. Jones

The Democrats and the Republicans are inviting a limited number of bloggers — those witty, candid, irreverent, passionate, shrewd and outrageous Internet chroniclers — to their 2004 conventions. It's a gesture of respect for the growing influence of the blogosphere, and if ever there were events ideally suited to bloggers, the heavily scripted and tensionless conventions top the list.
But make no mistake, this moment of blogging legitimization — and temporary press credentials — doesn't turn bloggers into journalists.
[ Read the rest at the Times' site]

2 thoughts on “L.A. Times: Bloggers Are the Sizzle, Not the Steak”

  1. ..this leads us back to the unavoidable question of WHAT is a journalist? There is no specification anywhere. Anyone can get up one morning and say: “hey! I feel like being a journalist today.” And done… you are.
    Philippe Roy

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