Killer mom walks; $16 billion fighter jets; and lifeguard heroes: Listen to my four-minute audio roundup of what's on the front pages of the country's newspapers plus highlights from Friday's political daybook by clicking on the link below.
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Mr. Akin,
I watched you on Power & Politics the other night about the purchase of planes and found it very intrest. Trouble is, there's not enough time to really get into a subject.
I don't understand a thing about military equipment and we need more dialogue like this.
Blogger “Impolitical” (Liblogs) has a video of PBS discussing this issue which I think you'd finder very interesting.
Mr. Akin;
Fact: Canadian tax payers are going to spend approximately 16 billion dollars on F-35's over the next 20 years.
Fact: Canadian tax payers are going to spend approximately 35 billion dollars on CBC over the next 20 years.
With the F-35 we will protect Canadians and Canadian sovereignty, with CBC we protect anti-conservatism and Coronation street.
Anyone, why aren't the Parties of the Left complaining about CBC?
Thank you,
Boy this is a partisan stretch and doesn't even make sense.
Stupid, stupid, stupid.
Nothing about the CBC to complain about there dude. You just want to rant right wing BS.
CBC, by the way, is not the subject. Do you have ADD or following the Con party instructions to flood all articles with partisan rants.
Do you not trust David Akin on this? I'm sure he knows much more about than you do.
Oh, oh, Mr. Harper says jump and partisans say how high.
How pathetic
It's not partisan it's pro military and by the way, it's the way I feel and I can say what I want.