The words are from Liberal leadership candidate Gerard Kennedy. The hyperlinks are mine.
Dear Prime Minister:
Yesterday, Canadians learned that the Conservative Party of Canada is selling your
position on the Middle East as a source of election funds even as people there are
suffering and dying.
I would hope you find these Conservative fundraising tactics as tasteless and
indefensible as I do.
Out of respect for the high office you hold, I would ask that you immediately repudiate
your party’s attempts to profit from the misery of the men, women and children caught in
a war half-way around the world.
Prime Minister, if you are the man of principle your fundraisers claim you are, you will do
the right thing and ask them to stop.
Canadians await your response.
Gerard Kennedy
Liberal Leadership Candidate, 2006
Dear Gerard Kennedy,
Why did your party take political “donations” from Canadians without asking period? Why did your party spend a billion dollars on a gun registry that was to cost 2 million dollars? Why did your party buy monogrammed golf balls when a 36 pack of used balls from Canadian Tire would have been just as effective?
Oh, and why does no one take your candidacy for the Liberal party leadership seriously?
A Canadian Taxpayer