January's big hits here

A little later than normal with the monthly round-up of what’s been hot here at the blog, but the statistics from which the following list is culled sit patiently on a server back at davidakin.com world headquarters until required. The most widely read post here was one suggested to me by blogger Chris Cummer. Friends of his were trying to find Canadian relatives in Thailand after the South Asian tsunami and Chris was trying to spread the word to find them. Sadly, John and Jackie Knill perished in the disaster.

Here, then, are links to the posts that attracted the widest readership here, listed in order of their popularity, followed by the date they were originally published:

  1. Looking for John and Jackie Knill (12-30-2004) 
  2. Air Canada and a new Celine Dion video — right here!  (11-1-2004) 
  3. Dean paid bloggers  (1-15-2005) 
  4. Mailing list established for tsunami survivors (12-31-2004) 
  5. International Donut Wars: Tim Horton's vs Krispy Kreme (12-17-2004)  
  6. Finally!! Airport Extreme and my LinkSys router are talking! (12-13-2003) 
  7. Wade Peer (12-7-2004) 
  8. A new job – and a blog transformation  (1-21-2005) 
  9. [What they said] Blogs have little influence or effect on mainstream media  (1-6-2005) 
  10. More on FOX News comes to Canada (11-18-2004)

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