Ipsos-Reid, the polling firm, has exacted its pound of flesh from the national director of the Liberal Party. Fair enough.
But as someone whose last name is constantly misspelled or mispronounced (
Attention Ryerson University professors : Mine is pronounced to rhyme with bacon but is spelled Akin), allow me to offer Ipsos-Reid a little advice: The National Director of the Liberal Party is Steven MacKinnon (right). Ipsos was crowing about a certain Steve McKinnon to whom Ipsos gives the title National Party Director.
Now, heaven knows, as someone who spent a decade-and-a-half as a print reporter, I have misspelled my fair share of people’s names. But, then again, I never sued anyone because they questioned my accuracy and then issued a press release about how I was always right: “The reputation of Ipsos Reid for the integrity of its work is of vital importance to its business,” said Peter A. Downard who acted for Ipsos Reid Corporation from the law firm of Fasken Martineau DuMoulin.
I'm sorry — I have to fess up, that was my blogroll spelling mistake, not a professor's!
Good lessons in online diligence.
I hope it won't prevent you from considering taking part in the survey project.
Susannah Schmidt