I'm syndicated!

This is an edited version of a post that appeared on the Blogger-powered version of David Akin's blog.. Please note that as this site is currently a testing site, the Blogger version should be considered the true version of my blog although I'm going to try to mirror things pretty closely here. Even better, I can't syndicate from Blogger but you can get the RSS/XML syndication from this site..
I'm trying out a new blog publishing tool from the folks at Canada's Tucows Inc. (NASDAQ OTC: TCOW). Tucows, many Net veterans will remember, originally started out as “The Ultimate Collection of Winsock Software” (did you get that acronym?), a great place in the early days of the Net to get the software you need to connect to the network. Tucows still maintains that software repository but today it's big in the wholesale domain business. Its Blogware tool is an offshoot of this business. I'm privileged to be trying out the alpha testing version of this tool and so far, I'm pretty impressed. There's a robust feature set that gives a user much of the flexibility of a system like Moveable Type's without having the added user-side complexity. And, for me, the exciting part about Blogware is that I can syndicate comment. Now, as I mentioned, Blogware is still in testing so I'll continue to maintain this site as my main blog site but I'll try to mirror any posts here to my Blogware blog. If you're visiting here, I'd encourage you to head over to the Blogware version of this blog if you want to get more interactive and post your thoughts aboout anything I end up posting.

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