Harper's a "control freak", former Tory PM says …

Ok, the PM in question was Kim Campbell. Still, she's a pretty smart cookie if politically, er, unlucky. And she tells Canwest's man in Paris that Harper is “very controlling” but “competent”:

PARIS – Prime Minister Stephen Harper is running a competent government but should curb his “control freak” tendencies and make clear to Canadians his government won't impose a socially conservative agenda if he wins a majority, according to former prime minister Kim Campbell… [Read the full story]

4 thoughts on “Harper's a "control freak", former Tory PM says …”

  1. I'm afraid Ms. Campbell has accepted unquestioningly the characterization of PM Harper and his ministers spread by the MSM.
    Had this been a government other than Conservative, the fact ministers “are required to stick like glue to approved government scripts and to not comment on matters that aren't directly related to the government's communication strategy of the day” would be termed as “Cabinet solidarity.”
    And when a minister DOES happen to speak off-the-cuff, the MSM turns it into a melodrama of cataclysmic proportions. Case in point: Minister Bernier's so-called diplomatic gaffe re: the governor of Kandahar, Asadullah Khalid.
    Let me explain.
    During the first week of February 2008, the opposition was bleating in the House of Commons about the apparent corruption of the governor of Kandahar, Asadullah Khalid.
    In the Friday, Feb. 1, 2008, Hansard quotes Ralph Goodale among others, making accusations such as:
    “Since last April, the government knew about credible allegations that Governor Khalid had been involved in torture, but the Minister of National Defence continued to deal with him. Senior Canadian commanders and diplomats still deal with him.”
    Fast forward to mid-April. The Minister of Foreign Affairs answers a reporter’s questions (Globe & Mail story “Bernier gaffe ignites diplomatic fire”). The minister is quoted as saying: “They're a sovereign state, they're going to have to decide, and it's a decision the President will have to take in the near future. … Is it [the governor] the right person at the right place, at the right time? President Karzai will have to answer these questions as soon as possible.”
    According to the critics, we heard “Bernier veering wildly off-script.” But the minister's answer could also be construed as Bernier affirming the sovereignty of Afghanistan and Pres. Karzai in making any decision regarding the governor.
    So what happens? The opposition starts wailing that the Minister should have kept that opinion under wraps, not divulging it in public. NDP Defence critic Dawn Black got into the act, with a couple of political pundits, expressing her shock! that Minister Bernier had talked so openly in public.
    Pray tell, what is more public that the HoC during QP, and the opinions/accusations hurled therein?
    And, was the NDP circumspect and diplomatic when they accused Canada's DND of writing Karzai's speech when the President addressed MPs in the House? http://www.ndp.ca/page/5739
    Is it any wonder the Conservatives are reluctant to speak to the press, when anything they say gets twisted around?

  2. As far as I am aware, Ms. Campbell has resided virtually exclusively in the US or Europe since her rather abrupt departure from the Canadian political scene, a departure caused in no small part by the very party that Stephen Harper represented at that time.
    So tell me again exactly why I should place any weight whatsoever on her opinion of the current Prime Minister.

  3. Lets see Harpers a “control freak”
    1.Gives up the biggest “control” any PM has – when to call an
    2. Gives an independent council (Mr. Johnson) the rights to set up
    parameters of the mulrony Schreiber situationa (very Political
    situation you would think you would want to “control”.
    3. Has an Independent panel to recommend strategy on
    Afghanistan – and a LIBERAL to boot (john Manely).
    4. Had a LIBERAL at the time – Wajid Kan – to advise him on the
    middle east. Nothing like a control freak seeking out the
    opinions of the opposition on sensitive files.
    5. Allows Parliament to vote on whether to stay in Afghanistan or
    withdrawl. Sound like Harper just cant give up any power at all
    Thats just a few examples of this “controlling personality ” that I can come up with in …er two minutes.
    Yep sounds VERY, VERY controlling and very SCARY too!!

  4. The thing that I find is always overlooked and not talked about is the concept of solidarity. The Media isn't invited into Conservative Cacaus meetings. Presumably, this is where everything is hashed out. Once there is a general consensus, everyone walks out of Cacaus united and with the same message.
    I'm sure Conservatives have rousing arguments with one another, they just “don't do it in front of the children”. This doesn't make Stephen Harper a control freak, it makes him a stern but organized leader. Everyone stays on message, because all the argument has already taken place and been resolved.
    The Opposition don't like it because it makes them look bad when they argue with one another.
    Question: The NDP are always talking the same story and saying the same things. Does this mean that Jack Layton is also a Control Freak and is maybe too much of a wimp to do it all himself so he makes others do it for him, calling it delegation?

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