Former Tory leadership candidate named to CBC's board

The Conservatives appointed new directors to the board that oversees the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, one of whom is Brian Mitchell, a Montreal-based lawyer who once ran against Joe Clark for the leadership of the Progressive Conservative party. Mitchell also ran unsuccessfully in 2005 against Manitoban Don Plett for the leadership of the Conservative Party but has served since then as a Quebec director on the Conservative Party’s national council.

The party says Mitchell has now resigned so that he can become a member of the board of directors of CBC.

In addition to Mitchell, the Conservatives also appointed Linda Black who, the press release says, is “a member of the Alberta Secretariat for Action on Homelessness, a member of the Law Enforcement Review Board of Alberta, and governor for the Board of Governors of Mount Royal College”, and Mary McNeil, “the president and chief executive officer of the BC Cancer Foundation.”

In the meantime, the House of Commons Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage is about to publish its report on “The Role of a Public Broadcaster in the 21st Century.” The Conservatives make up the minority on that Committee and it is believed that there will be dissenting views in the report that will soon be published.

The Heritage Committee meets on Tuesday next week to finalize the wording of their report.



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