Dingwall update

The Dingwall arbitrator report was released late today, hours after Dingwall put out his reaction to its pending release. CP’s Sue Bailey has an excellent summary

David Dingwall was indeed entitled to his entitlements, says an independent report that concludes he was unfairly forced out as head of the Royal Canadian Mint by a former Liberal government that hung him out to dry.

Mr. Dingwall, a Jean Chrétien loyalist, was essentially booted out by the Paul Martin government amid unfounded attacks over Mint expenses, says George Adams, a retired Ontario Superior Court judge.

Mr. Adams' 10-page report, released late Wednesday, justifies severance of $417,000 paid to Mr. Dingwall. It also puts Ottawa on the hook for Mr. Dingwall's related legal costs — an amount Mr. Adams will determine “failing agreement of the parties.” . . . . [Read the rest of the story]


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