A howler from Harper

Howler of the campaign so far came tonight in St. Catharines where more than 1,200 people (that's right — 1,200 in St. Catharines!) heard Harper lead off a section of his standard stump speech with this line …

“As you listen to the misquotes and misinformation that will spew out of Mr. Martin's office and out of his ass …”

Or at least that's what everyone heard. It brought the house down. Even Harper's wife Laureen, standing on stage beside him, started giggling.

Now if you listen closely to the tape, he actually said:

“As you listen to the misquotes and misinformation that will spew out of Mr. Martin's offce and out of his ads.”

He seemed, though, to drop the 'd' in “ads” and it came out “ats.”

Harper himself didn't seem to realize what he almost said and after a brief pause where he seemed a little confused at the reaction the line got, continued on hammering away at Paul Martin — and his ads.


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